A Guide To Selecting Industrial Adhesive For Your Packaging Needs &Raquo; Image Asset 3


Adhesives are a must-have in industrial packaging. Whether securing boxes, sealing bags, or bonding materials, adhesives offer the durability, efficiency, and versatility of traditional methods. 

This is why choosing the wrong adhesive can prove costly. Many adhesive options are available on the market, and selecting the suitable industrial adhesive for your needs can be overwhelming. 

Here is a quick guide to help you select industrial adhesives for your packaging needs.

Bond Strength and Durability

A strong bond ensures that your packages remain intact throughout handling, transportation, and storage, reducing the risk of product damage or loss. Durability ensures that the bond maintains its strength even under harsh conditions like temperature variations or exposure to moisture. 

In this regard, assess the required strength and durability of the bond based on the packaging’s purpose and transportation conditions. You should factor in aspects like temperature variations, moisture exposure, and handling during transit because they can impact the bond’s integrity. 

It is always wise to choose adhesives with high bond strength and durability to guarantee the integrity of the packaging and enhance product protection and customer satisfaction. Moreover, it minimizes the likelihood of costly rework or product recalls due to adhesive failure, optimizing efficiency and profitability in your industrial packaging processes.

Substrate Compatibility

Another critical aspect when choosing an industrial adhesive is to consider substrate compatibility. Yes, substrate compatibility refers to the adhesive’s ability to bond effectively with the materials used in packaging. Different adhesives work best with specific substrates such as paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, or glass. If you mismatch adhesives, it can cause weak bonds that trigger packaging failures like delamination or product damage.

Ensure compatibility between the adhesive and the material surface for optimal bonding strength and durability. Understand the substrate properties such as surface energy, porosity, and chemical composition to help you choose the right adhesive type-whether it’s pressure-sensitive, hot melt, or water-based. 

Application Method

I would also like you to please apply your adhesive on the substrate; you must recognize it. Remember that adhesives come in various forms, including liquids, tapes, hot melts, and sprays, and are suited for different application methods. 

Reputable suppliers will provide adhesives that suit different application methods. For example, you will find Henkel adhesive products that suit high-speed applications, liquid, hot melts, and specialty labeling. Nevertheless, you must choose an adhesive that aligns with your production process and packaging requirements. 

For instance, if your packaging process requires high-speed automated application, you would need an adhesive compatible with such equipment and capable of rapid curing. Conversely, a manual application may require adhesives with longer open times for proper bonding. 

Cure Time

The cure time of an adhesive refers to the duration it takes to reach its full bonding strength. Therefore, selecting a suitable adhesive with an appropriate cure time is critical in packaging. 

Generally, faster cure times can accelerate production and enhance efficiency and throughput. However, slower cure times may be necessary for intricate packaging or delicate materials to ensure precise alignment and bonding without compromising integrity. 

Moreover, considering cure time aids in scheduling production timelines and optimizing workflow. Choosing an industrial adhesive with the ideal cure time ensures reliable adhesion, efficiency, and quality in packaging operations.

Environmental Considerations

Just because you can purchase an adhesive doesn’t mean you can use it anywhere! In other words, its impact on the environment is an important factor, and if you become ignorant, you might find yourself on the wrong side of authorities.  

Therefore, environmental regulations and sustainability goals should be considered when selecting an industrial adhesive. 

You could go for solvent-free adhesives, low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and comply with relevant industry standards. Additionally, recyclability and biodegradability should be considered to minimize environmental impact. 

This way, you can contribute to preserving natural resources and mitigating the impact of packaging on the environment.


While quality and performance are paramount, you must always pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of your adhesives. Of course, cost-effectiveness entails assessing the adhesive’s upfront cost against its long-term benefits, such as durability, efficiency, and reduced maintenance. 

A cost-effective adhesive minimizes material waste, lowers application time, and enhances overall productivity for lower operational expenses.

Moreover, choosing a suitable adhesive can prevent rework, product damage, and potential liabilities, thereby saving on potential costs associated with errors or failures. You can select an adhesive that strikes the right balance between performance and price. 


Selecting the suitable industrial adhesive for your packaging needs is less about taking your time to assess your needs and evaluate the key factors we’ve covered. Nevertheless, choose an adhesive that meets your packaging needs and is within your budget. Don’t forget to pick an adhesive that complies with relevant regulations and industry standards, mainly if the packaging will be used for food, pharmaceuticals, or other sensitive products.


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Originally Published on https://www.breakfastleadership.com/

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.
