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Have you hit a wall?

Hit a wall?

Then something has to change.

But change is hard, right? It’s scary.

Believe me, I get it. The unknown can be really intimidating. But ask yourself—if nothing changes, what happens? Do you stay stuck and miserable?

What if there was a way out? A path that might, just might, lead you out of that dark forest you’ve found yourself in?

For a moment, forget everything happening in the world right now. Yes, I think we can all agree it’s overwhelming. But I want you to focus on something far more important.


Your life. Your family.

So what do you want your future to look like?

I ask this question to people often, and when I bring up forgiveness as one of the answers, I get a range of responses. Some people lean in, intrigued. Others nod politely, mention a friend or family member who might benefit, and quickly assure me they’ve already “forgiven everyone.”

But let’s be honest—when you hear the word forgiveness, there’s probably one person who comes to mind. The one who hurt you the MOST.

The person you’re absolutely, positively NOT ready to forgive.

And that’s fair.

(It is also the very reason why I teach people to start with the easy ones.)

So here’s the thing—forgiving your past might be the very way through that wall you’ve hit

Not too long ago, Ron and I had a conversation with a couple about this very subject. The wife was intrigued. The husband? Not so much.

He just shrugged and said, “I’m good.”

Then he added, “My pain got me where I am today. I used it to fuel my fire, and I’ve made a lot of Money because of it. I always push through my walls.”

His wife just smiled at him and shook her head.

Ok, I’ll play. Let’s talk about that.

Imagine walking into a hotel and seeing two elevators. Both reach the 75th floor, which is your destination. The first one is the express and takes you straight there. The other? Some kid just pressed every button on his way out, so now you have to stop at all 74 floors between 2 and 75!

By the time you reach the top, you’re both frustrated and exhausted.

Sure, you absolutely can reach your goals while carrying the weight of anger, bitterness, and pain. But why take the slow, grueling route when there’s an easier way?

I know this because I took the long road myself. For years, I clung to anger, believing it gave me strength. But all it did was drain me and keep me stuck behind that darn wall.

Then I found another path—one that led to the same destination, but with far less suffering. That’s the path I now guide others to as a transformation and forgiveness coach.

Because here’s the truth: Love and forgiveness will take you farther than anger ever will.

The choice is yours. You can keep chugging along on the local train, stopping at every station, or you can hop on the express. The one that takes you straight to healing, peace, and freedom.

So if you’ve hit a wall, don’t just stand there staring at it. Change the route. Find the door. Take the Forgiveness Express that will get you to your destination fast.

Until next time,


The post Have you hit a wall? appeared first on Katharine Giovanni.

Originally Published on

Katharine Giovanni Award-winning best-selling author

Katharine, a three-time award-winning best-selling author of twelve books, is a dynamic speaker, trainer, and advisor. Her latest work, “The Ultimate Path to Forgiveness: Unlocking Your Power,” offers profound insights into the transformative power of forgiveness.

A trailblazer in the concierge industry, Katharine founded the first association for independent concierges, shaping the industry for over two decades until her retirement in March 2023. Her pioneering spirit and commitment to excellence have left an indelible mark on the profession.

Throughout her illustrious career, Katharine has trained numerous concierge and front-line staff, earning her clients a reputation as some of the industry’s most successful. Her expertise has been sought after by major media outlets, with features on ABC News Nightline, CBS News, Good Morning America, MTV, Time Magazine, Money Magazine, Forbes, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

A proud breast cancer survivor, Katharine’s resilience and determination inspire others to overcome life’s challenges. Raised in the vibrant backdrop of New York City, she holds a B.A. from Lake Forest College and currently calls North Carolina home.

For those eager to explore Katharine’s wisdom or connect with her, visit to discover more about her groundbreaking forgiveness book and other transformative works.

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