Wednesday - January 22nd, 2025
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11 Glasses of Water A Day

Well the new year is in full swing and resolutions have been made and some may have already been broken. That’s OK. We are here to encourage you with monthly health challenges that are attainable.

The idea is after 12 months of challenges that are attainable, our hope is that you feel better: mind, body and spirit. The 1st of every month we will post an attainable health challenge that we hope you will accept. Remember, if you don’t meet it one day; no worries, do it the next day.

For the month of January, we would like to encourage you to drink at least 11- 8 oz. glasses of water per day. There are many benefits to drinking water as water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 50-70% of your body weight. Your body needs water to survive*.

Some of the benefits to staying hydrated and to have every cell, organ and tissue in your body to work properly are:

Protects sensitive tissues

Lubricates & cushions joints

Keeps your temperature normal

Gets rid of your body wastes

It delivers oxygen throughout the body

It boosts skin health and beauty – who doesn’t love that?

It cushions the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues

The digestive system depends on it

It helps maintain blood pressure

The airways need it

It makes minerals and nutrients accessible

It prevents kidney damage

It boosts performance during Exercise

How much water intake is recommended? According to the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, the average recommended daily intake of water from both food & drink is:

For men: around 15.5 cups of water**

For women: around 11 cups of water**

For those of you that have a favorite water bottle, great! For those that need inspiration to drink water, we found this on Amazon that is a great reminder to keep drinking. If you don’t like drinking plain water, maybe add: blackberries, strawberries, mint, basil or cucumber to it for added flavor without adding sugar or calories.

Health is a daily practice – not a 30 day Diet

We hope we’ve given you inspiration on the importance of drinking water. You’ve got this!

Gigi Ladies


**around 80% of this should come from drinks, including water and the rest should come from fresh fruits and vegetables

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Originally Published on

Gigi Connection Grandparenting

With decades of friendship between us, we aim to empower and encourage women of all ages as we share, from our hearts, topics relating to health, beauty, fashion, reading, cooking, faith in God, travel and the joys of aging gracefully as we live life with our friends, family and adoring grandchildren.

Our greatest hope is that with almost 200 collective years of marriage wisdom, 20 grandchildren between us (newborn-12 years of age) and friendships lasting since 1989, our blog encourages you in some way in your friendships, your relationships, your faith, your self and in this wonderful journey called grandparenting.


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