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The Understudy = Under Study

The Understudy = Under Study &Raquo; Core Thinking

In acting, an understudy is someone who learns another’s role so they can act as a replacement on short notice. Should the regular actor or actress be unable to appear on stage because of illness, injury, emergencies or death, the understudy takes over the part. The theater manager usually announces the cast change prior to the start of the performance.

Life is all a stage….

When I think about this definition and subsequent action for an understudy, I also think about life. What is the analogy?

Life is the Master Teacher and to truly get a sense of what life is all about, are we not always under study?

Every action has a reaction; therefore, we have ongoing experiences from which me must make choices and that creates the next experience. Understanding each event in our lives, helps us to unravel the mysteries of why we are even here.

There are many days I will marvel at the weaving of the past, present, and potential future within the mind of creation itself. Do you ever wonder about the way things unfold in your life journey? Why it is so different, yet the same as others?

I started a talk show recently and have been doing a lot of interviews. The fascinating thing I am noticing is how similar people’s hardest struggles are and the ability to use their will to overcome what could have been devastating.

When I had a moment in my life of hitting a point of no return, where the world had crushed my soul and I knew something had to change, it became the catalyst for a deep dive into declaring my liberation. A recent interviewee had the same reaction to when he hit rock bottom, lost everything and he pleaded with God to answer his prayers for help. I had to catch my breath when I realized both of us aligned with a higher power, something bigger than us, to bring us back to balance, better and stronger.

I surrendered….

Just as an understudy is a replacement, while I was under study of my sense of self, where I was in my life and where I wanted to go, an unseen force coursed through me. I was unable to continue playing my part and something took over, an understudy in the form of universal laws. The fight was over, and a new beginning was about to start.

Isn’t the greater community the same?

There is a battle, within the souls of the whole, seeking to define, to connect, and to emerge from the dark night of the soul. But it is not just the individuals, it is galactic in scope. The nature of things is predictable with patterns and cycles. Human evolution is the same.

There is pain, fear, and the unknown walking alongside love, magic, and what we know to be true. The emotions of the heart are fragile, but I know it can always be mended. The universe is mental, folding upon itself, bringing a higher awareness of what we learn and the transformations as a result.

If you hold my hand and I reach my other one out, someone will take it and so on. There is an underlying pull to expand and contract, the heartbeat of the core of who we are.

I know through my own steppingstones taken along the winding path of tomorrow’s new dawn, whatever I do plays a part in the grand scheme of things.

Just a small change, like the butterfly effect, can be the shift needed. With enough people doing something to help; whether it be as simple as a smile, a new thought, a new perspective, anything to get out of the insanity, perhaps we will create the world meant for us to nurture.

It is not an easy task, takes practice. I have spent many years refining the techniques and skills to be in the world but not affected by the fluctuations in the flow from year to year. I recently had to take a break from social media, just to get my bearings again. Under study….

What I gained from this pause is that I must be prepared to accept change, for I may not always be able to be in the role asked of me. Allowing and taking a back seat gives me a different viewpoint, so when I am ready to get back on stage, I have more knowledge and Wisdom to ensure that when the final curtain comes down, I have lived my life to the best of my ability.

Self-revelation is letting go of who you think you are and allowing who you are meant to be express through your creativity and passions.

Eileen Bild

Eileen Bild Author, Writer, S.P.A.R.K. Coach

Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Co-Founder of OTEL Universe, Executive Producer/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published Author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Assistant Editor.

OTEL Universe -A Universal Voice is a platform to give people a voice for their passions, visions and dreams. Through relationship building, alliances and partnerships, Eileen has built an extraordinary community of like minded people and businesses with a similar purpose to be the light in the world and make a real difference.

Eileen views aging as an opportunity to take all the years of life lessons, learning and wisdom gained, and create a legacy that can live on indefinitely. She helps people tell their stories through interviews, assistance in writing and publishing a book, working on projects that have high impact and real results, S.P.A.R.K. them to take the next step to reach their highest potential and live life to the fullest. Eileen works with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and anyone wanting to live fearlessly, authentically and the desire to feel fulfilled.


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