I want to give a big Shout Out to Dennis Pitocco. I met Dennis 5 years ago through another magazine I was writing for. He was graciously offering the editor of this other magazine the opportunity to cross publish articles.
When I was referred to Dennis, I jumped at the chance to expand my reach. Little did I know the extraordinary leadership he would provide for not only myself but for all the contributors and writers from around the world.
I have worked with many Directors, Leaders, and Business Owners over the last 25 + years, and Dennis is by far the BEST!
He deserves a huge THANK YOU for being an example of what an exemplary leader really is. Please join me in congratulating Dennis (and his wife, Ali) for creating such a wonderful, amazing, engaging, inspiring, and always growing platform and network of like-minded professionals.
BIZCATALYST 360° is a family where lifelong friendships are forged; Relationships are created and a bond continuously strengthening that I have yet to see anywhere else in a professional setting. It has gone from an ordinary online magazine to something extraordinary!
In gratitude for a job well done and may we finish 2020 going into 2021 with more articles of excellence and hope for a continuous positive world where we can make a difference, one person at a time.