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Ordinary to Extraordinary: Leadership at its Best

Ordinary To Extraordinary: Leadership At Its Best &Raquo; Core Thinking

I want to give a big Shout Out to Dennis Pitocco. I met Dennis 5 years ago through another magazine I was writing for. He was graciously offering the editor of this other magazine the opportunity to cross publish articles.

When I was referred to Dennis, I jumped at the chance to expand my reach. Little did I know the extraordinary leadership he would provide for not only myself but for all the contributors and writers from around the world.

I have worked with many Directors, Leaders, and Business Owners over the last 25 + years, and Dennis is by far the BEST!

He deserves a huge THANK YOU for being an example of what an exemplary leader really is. Please join me in congratulating Dennis (and his wife, Ali) for creating such a wonderful, amazing, engaging, inspiring, and always growing platform and network of like-minded professionals.

BIZCATALYST 360° is a family where lifelong friendships are forged; Relationships are created and a bond continuously strengthening that I have yet to see anywhere else in a professional setting. It has gone from an ordinary online magazine to something extraordinary!

In gratitude for a job well done and may we finish 2020 going into 2021 with more articles of excellence and hope for a continuous positive world where we can make a difference, one person at a time.



Eileen Bild Author, Writer, S.P.A.R.K. Coach

Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Co-Founder of OTEL Universe, Executive Producer/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published Author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Assistant Editor.

OTEL Universe -A Universal Voice is a platform to give people a voice for their passions, visions and dreams. Through relationship building, alliances and partnerships, Eileen has built an extraordinary community of like minded people and businesses with a similar purpose to be the light in the world and make a real difference.

Eileen views aging as an opportunity to take all the years of life lessons, learning and wisdom gained, and create a legacy that can live on indefinitely. She helps people tell their stories through interviews, assistance in writing and publishing a book, working on projects that have high impact and real results, S.P.A.R.K. them to take the next step to reach their highest potential and live life to the fullest. Eileen works with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and anyone wanting to live fearlessly, authentically and the desire to feel fulfilled.


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