A New Year’s Journey Within: What Questions Will Light Your Way?
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
In the sacred pause between what was and what will be, as one year gently yields to another, we find ourselves at a crossroads of infinite possibility. This transition isn’t merely a turn of the calendar—it’s an invitation to venture deeper into the landscape of our own Consciousness, to question not just our goals, but the very foundations of who we believe ourselves to be.
First, ask yourself: “What wounds am I ready to heal, and what Wisdom have they offered?” Beneath our scars lie our greatest teachings. Perhaps you’ve been running from past hurts, using busyness as a shield, or wearing armor that’s grown too heavy. Consider how your challenges have shaped you, and which ones are now ready to be transformed from barriers into bridges.
Second, contemplate: “In what ways have I been sleepwalking through my own life?” We often move through our days on autopilot, missing the subtle whispers of our intuition and the gentle nudges of the universe. Look closely at your routines, Relationships, and reactions. Where have you been present, and where have you been merely existing?
Third, explore: “What truth am I avoiding that’s asking to be heard?” Deep within, we usually know what needs to change. It might be a relationship that’s complete, a career that no longer aligns with our values, or a version of ourselves we’ve outgrown. What whispers have you been silencing, and what would happen if you finally listened?
Fourth, ponder: “How am I contributing to the collective awakening of humanity?” In an era of unprecedented global challenges and opportunities, our individual Growth ripples out to affect the whole. Consider how your personal evolution might serve not just your own journey, but the greater tapestry of human consciousness and connection.
Finally, ask yourself: “What would love do?” Not the superficial love of greeting cards, but the profound love that encompasses wisdom, truth, and courage. How would your choices differ if you approached each decision, each interaction, each moment from this place of deeper awareness and compassion?
These questions aren’t meant to be answered quickly or lightly. They’re portals to deeper understanding, invitations to explore the territories of your soul that remain unmapped. Let them simmer in your consciousness, revealing their wisdom layer by layer.
As you cross the threshold into the new year, carry these questions like trusted companions. Create sacred space for reflection—perhaps in the pre-dawn quiet, or under the witness of the stars. Let them challenge your assumptions, dissolve your limitations, and guide you toward your highest expression. Remember, the questions we dare to ask ourselves become the compass points of our evolution.
What territories within yourself will you dare to explore this coming year?
Editor’s Note: Enjoy our evolving Exploring Our Shared Humanity Series HERE
Originally Published on https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/author/dennisjpitocco/