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Five Key Strategies to Help Others Grow their Self Efficacy

Five Key Strategies To Help Others Grow Their Self Efficacy &Raquo; Img 1344 300X300 1In a recent conversation with a new district-level leader, I was asked what might be one really important part of their role they might be overlooking. I think anytime we get a new position, we come in wanting to be good at the job, to make an impact, and to prove those who hired us right. Unfortunately, that can lead to leaders trying to do too much, taking on too much, and not allowing others to really thrive in their roles. Good leaders will get their team to buy into the leader and follow them. Great leaders, on the other hand, will have their team members believing in themselves as much as they do the leader and the mission at hand.

So as a new leader, focus on growing your team and growing their self efficacy. Helping your team believe in their abilities is crucial for their success and the overall success of your organization.

Here are five practical strategies to inspire and build confidence in your team members.

1. Give Positive Feedback and Recognition

Giving feedback is important, but it should be balanced. Point out what needs improvement, but also highlight what’s going well. Recognizing achievements, no matter how small, can significantly boost confidence. When team members feel their efforts are noticed and appreciated, they’re more likely to believe in their capabilities.

Quick Tip: Start meetings by mentioning recent successes. It sets a positive tone and shows everyone that their hard work is valued.

Five Key Strategies To Help Others Grow Their Self Efficacy &Raquo; Img 1345 300X300 12. Promote a Growth Mindset

Encourage the belief that skills and abilities can improve with effort and learning. When your team faces challenges, emphasize what can be learned rather than focusing on the setback. This mindset helps them see failures as opportunities for growth, not as reflections of their abilities.

Quick Tip: Share your own stories of mistakes and what you learned from them. It makes failure less intimidating and more a part of the learning process.

3. Give Them Responsibility

Show your team that you trust them by giving them responsibilities and the freedom to make decisions. This kind of trust boosts their confidence and motivates them to excel. Just make sure they have the resources and support they need to succeed.

Quick Tip: Assign tasks based on each team member’s strengths and interests. Regularly check in to offer help without hovering over their work.

Five Key Strategies To Help Others Grow Their Self Efficacy &Raquo; Img 0736 300X300 14. Support Their Growth

Invest in your team’s professional development. Offer opportunities for them to learn new skills through workshops, courses, or on-the-job training. Help them set personal and professional goals, which can be highly motivating.

Quick Tip: Create a Personal Development plan for each team member and schedule regular check-ins to discuss their progress and goals.

5. Foster a Positive Environment

A supportive and inclusive work environment is key to building confidence. Make sure everyone feels valued and included. Address any instances of bias or exclusion promptly to maintain a positive atmosphere.

Quick Tip: Plan team-building activities that promote collaboration and mutual respect. Make sure quieter team members have a chance to voice their ideas during meetings.

Five Key Strategies To Help Others Grow Their Self Efficacy &Raquo; Img 1347 300X300 1Building your team’s confidence takes effort, but it’s worth it. By giving positive feedback, promoting a growth mindset, entrusting them with responsibilities, supporting their growth, and fostering a positive environment, you can help your team reach their full potential. Confident team members are more productive, innovative, and resilient, leading to greater success for everyone.

Have a #RoadToAwesome week


Tune in this Sunday to “Leaning into Leadership” where my guest is 2024 Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year Dr. Nick Davies.

Five Key Strategies To Help Others Grow Their Self Efficacy &Raquo; Okay 300X300 1Want to get a free copy of my awesome eBook Walk in Your Purpose? Click here

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Darrin Peppard Dr. Darrin Peppard

Dr. Darrin Peppard is an author, leadership coach, consultant, and speaker focused on organizational culture and climate, and growing emerging leaders. Darrin is the best-selling author of the book Road to Awesome, and is the host of the Leaning into Leadership podcast. As a ‘recovering high school principal’, Darrin shares strategies and lessons learned from 26 years in public education to help leaders gain clarity, find joy in their work, and walk in their purpose.

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