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Assertiveness: An Undervalued Skill

Assertiveness is the skill of being able to stand up for your rights without aggressively violating the rights of others or passively accepting what you know to be wrong. When a salesperson bullies you into paying for a product that you know to be substandard and that you don’t need, that person is being aggressive. […]

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People With Dementia Deserve Respect On Social Media &Raquo; Lance Slatton 1024X752 1

People with dementia deserve respect on social media

Imagine that you were scrolling through a social media site and someone you worked with or one of your family members posted an image or video of you that was less than flattering. Everyone not only saw it but started commenting on it and sharing it. How would this make you feel? The post People […]

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Digitize Old Recipes–Part 2 &Raquo; Img 5359

Digitize Old Recipes–Part 2

  Do you have a folder full of recipes clipped from newspapers? Are your cookbooks bulging with handwritten recipes, perhaps dating back a generation or two? Are you in the process of giving your cookbooks to Goodwill because you just google recipes now?   Don’t lose those old, favorite recipes! It is relatively easy to […]

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Finish What You Started

In the world of advertising, one of the most iconic slogans that exists is Nike’s, “Just Do It!” Together with its famous “swoosh,” it has made Nike one of the most recognizable brands on the planet. The slogan also has an inspirational message that reminds us to not get stuck obsessing about a decision – […]

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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Historically, according to the Centers for Disease Control, up to 40% of premature deaths from major diseases could be prevented with lifestyle modifications. In addition, most illnesses are stress-related. These figures don’t even take into account the Covid-19 pandemic that resulted in a higher proportion of severe illness and death from the disease among individuals […]

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Digitize Old Recipes–Part 1 &Raquo; Img 5341

Digitize Old Recipes–Part 1

  Anyone who cooks, bakes and saves recipes has a file or box of recipes that are hand-written or clipped from newspapers. Often these recipes are family favorites that have been handed down through the generations. Yes, you can find almost any recipe by googling it, but somehow the results just aren’t quite as tasty […]

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When Was the Best Time of Your Life?

Because so many things that we deal with in psychology cannot be physically measured, the field lends itself to various interpretations about all sorts of things.  There is no equivalent of an EKG or MRI or blood pressure cuff to objectively measure empathy or resilience or even love.  As a result, there is no uniform psychological theory […]

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The Gentle Art of Pacing Yourself

We all have to deal with some commitments and deadlines and requirements in addition to having things on our schedules that we choose to do. The bottom line is that most of us lead pretty busy lives. There are essentially two ways of dealing with busy schedules: either let the course of events control us […]

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New Year’s Digital Device Tuneup &Raquo; Img 0301 250X333 1

New Year’s Digital Device Tuneup

Many of us are guilty of benign neglect of our digital devices and as a result, sometimes they do not work at optimum capacity or we find ourselves paying to expand our cloud storage. Here a five tips for getting your digital devices into tip-top condition for 2023. 1.Clean up your Photos app. Photos and […]

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Yes, You Can Make a Difference – If You Get Involved

While this is the time when people tend to make resolutions having to do with specific habits or behaviors, I think that this is a particularly good time to look at whether you are maximizing your potential and sharing your awesomeness with the world by being involved with your community.  That community may include your religious, political, […]

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