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Michael Embry

Back To The Keyboard &Raquo; Cradle Of Conflict

Back to the Keyboard

 It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted something here. My apology.  I could use the excuse that sometimes life gets in the way, but that would be a cop-out. A writer should write, regardless. I have been writing, but not on this platform since last May. First, I had the sixth book in my […]

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Alive And Well, And Writing &Raquo; May Newsletter

Alive and Well, and Writing

 I haven’t posted a blog in about three months. That’s a long time in cyberspace. It was my plan at the start to have a minimum of one post per week and usually exceeded that number.  But sometimes life gets in the way of intentions. It’s not like I’ve been in a vegetative state, even […]

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The Writing Life: Difficult Restart

A week ago I returned to a manuscript that had been in a file folder for nearly a year.  I had put it aside for various and sundry reasons.  For those who don’t follow my blog, I’m working  on the sixth book in the John Ross Boomer Lit series.  I confess that it’s been a […]

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The Writing Life: Back To The Keyboard &Raquo; Computerized Thinker

The Writing Life: Back to the Keyboard

 It’s been nearly a year since I saved the manuscript for my next novel on the hard-drive. I put it aside for reasons that I’ll keep to myself.  But on Feb. 1, I reopened it to begin work on the sixth book in my John Ross Boomer Lit series. It’s my hope to have a […]

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No More Thinking About The End &Raquo; Gravestones

No More Thinking About the End

It may seem odd to many boomers and other old folks, but I don’t fear death. Now in my mid-70s, I’ve reached many of the goals set many years ago. I never expected life to go on forever — and wouldn’t want it to. After so many trips around the Sun, it can get kinda […]

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Looking Ahead &Raquo; List

Looking Ahead

 Embarking on another year, it’s my intention to make it better than the previous one.  It’s not always the case because most things are beyond my control. So, in that case, I simply try to go with the flow and encounter things as smoothly as possible, although bumps along the way can snap one out […]

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Looking Back &Raquo; Time

Looking Back

 This year wasn’t the most productive for me.  I reached a few of my personal goals. I don’t know if it’s age or what. Perhaps I don’t have the stamina and motivation. I don’t know if that’s attributable to growing older or simply limited interest in doing things. Only time will tell. On the writing […]

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The Books I Read In 2022 &Raquo; Betrayal

The Books I Read in 2022

I’m a member of Goodreads and always participate in its Reading Challenge every year. This year’s personal challenge was to read 30 books; so far I’ve exceeded that at 32 and still have a couple more on my bookshelf. As a writer, I’m a voracious reader. I believe reading makes me a better writer. I […]

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A Post About Nothing &Raquo; Thinking

A Post about Nothing

 It’s been six weeks since I posted anything on this blog site. For those who are subscribers, I apologize. For others, I will return at some point in time. Bear with me.  The point I want to make today is that I’m not going to post something for the sake of posting something. If I […]

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On The Road: A Short Trip To Asheville, N.c. &Raquo; Dsc2962

On the Road: A short trip to Asheville, N.C.

Asheville is a jewel in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a small city with big appeal Downtown Asheville My three-day visit to North Carolina in October exceeded expectations. I knew some things about the city, such as the famous Biltmore Estate, and did some research on other places to experience. For many years, while traveling to […]

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