The anatomy of a social media like — why do people hit like on a post? Me when I look at LinkedIn Recently I downloaded my data from LinkedIn to see what my biggest posts of all time were. As an analytical person, I was curious to see if there was a pattern, something I could learn from in terms […]
This is not my desk nor hands “You need to post less” said the LinkedIn expert I spoke to this week. “The algorithm doesn’t like it when you post so much.” He was referring to the fact that the previous week I had been posting on average 3 times a day. Consideration of the algorithm may be important for […]
“Feed the beast and the beast will feed you” — 3 LinkedIn examples from my week that emphasise why doing this effectively increases my surface area of luck John Amaechi is such a lovely man but how did I end up meeting him? Read on… Last year I took part in a interview with a class of British school […]
This is what you get when you ask BingChat to create an image of half life in relation to friendships Somehow I ended up spending over 12 hours of my Saturday writing emails. That’s longer than I spend working on most work days; so why did I do it? What were the emails about? They were emails […]
GenAI helped me with an image of a panda dwelling over failure whilst everyone around him is cheerful It’s the morning of the first working Monday of 2024 and I have chosen to spend it writing my first blog of the year, but what should the topic be? This time of year there’s a lot written about […]
Shiageto is like this puppy; exhausted after the year we’ve had but excited for our growth next year 😊 It’s the final day of 2023 and it’s at this time of year that people reflect on how their year has panned out. For me, the founder of an innovative consulting firm that specialises on strategic effectiveness, it’ […]
This heartrate is very erratic — my 2023’s LinkedIn impressions Almost a year ago I wrote an article titled: “Why I had to change my relationship with LinkedIn and how I did it” In it I reflected on my changing way of using LinkedIn; I was moving from being someone who would spend almost half of each working […]
#PositivePalestinian — What it’s like to be a “high-profile” Palestinian small business owner right now This is not really how you should wear a keffiyeh I don’t consider myself to be a high-profile Palestinian (I mean I am no Bella Hadid despite what my mum tells me about my good looks) but it has become abundantly clear that for […]
How much for a coffee?? There are times when my culture and my business sense clash None more so than when it comes to paying for meals and coffees. Why is this a thing? As a start-up founder, who also happens to be single, I go for a lot of coffees and meals; either they are as part of […]
Start-up life in the time of Corona/recession, Lesson 8: Life and Happiness AI did not help with creating this picture This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in July 2020 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! In this series, I share with you some of the key learnings I […]