Joy To The Women – SFTS47
- Joy To The Women - SFTS47 Scot McKay 9:52
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === It’s Christmas Eve, so what better time to bring a little joy to the world…especially the women of the world? So how do we do that? Well, when it comes to meeting and interacting with women most of us as men are continuously running a combo of thinking BIG (e.g. ‘What can I impress her with?’) and staying stoic and macho, lest we look like a simp. But how is that working out for you? In the real world, men who make women feel safe and comfortable with what I call ‘warm levity’ are the ones who get the girl. In this brief episode, I’ll share a dead-simple strategy that’s virtually foolproof in making women like you, feel attraction toward you and want more of you. More at
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