Super Hero Saves Wife and Daughter at PA Trump Rally | Assassination Attempt
- Super Hero Saves Wife and Daughter at PA Trump Rally | Assassination Attempt Mary M. McCambridge 25:11
#PATrumpRally #CoreyComperatore #AttemptedAssassination
In Episode 239, I speak about Corey Comperatore, Super Hero who was shot and killed at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump Rally on Saturday, July 13, 2024 while shielding Allyson and her mother.
We also pray for President Trump for a full recovery, his family and America after this attempted assassination.
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SEO Keywords:
Prayers for Super Hero Corey Comperatore
Rally Death
Prayers for President Trump
Grieving a death of a father
Grieving a death of a husband
Death of a father
Death of a husband
Death of a spouse
Prayers for injured at PA Trump Rally
Prayers for injured at Butler PA Trump Rally
Christian prayers
Grieving Children
Prayers when you lose a loved one
Prayers for loss of loved one
Prayers for USA
Prayers for America
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From the SuperHero’s daughter of yesterday’s tragedy-
“Yesterday time stopped. And when it started again my family and I started living a real-life nightmare.
What was supposed to be an exciting day that we had all looked forward to (ESPECIALLY my dad), turned into the most traumatizing experiences someone could imagine.
I know the media will cover this event. And I’m going to try my best to stay away from looking at everything, especially because I’ve already seen and lived through it in real time. But I want everyone to know what the media will not cover, and will not say about him.
He was the best dad a girl could ever ask for. My sister and I never needed for anything. You call, he would answer, and he would do whatever it is you needed, and if he didn’t know how he would figure out how.
He could talk and make friends with anyone, which he was doing all day yesterday and loved every minute of it. He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and our members as family.
The media will not tell you that he died a real-life super hero. They are not going to tell you how quickly he threw my mom and I to the ground. They are not going to tell you that he shielded my body from the bullet that came at us.
He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us. And I want nothing more than to cry on him and tell him thank you. I want nothing more than to wake up and for this to not be reality for me and my family.
We lost a selfless, loving, husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and friend. And I will never stop thinking about him and mourning over him until the day that I die too. July 13th will forever be a day the changed my life. I will never be the same person I was less than 24 hours ago.
There are a lot of children out there that say their dad is their hero, but my dad really is mine. I don’t think I would be here today without him.
Dad, I love you so much that there aren’t enough words to express how deep that love goes. I know you’ll give heaven some hell. I know that God is proud of the man that came to His gates yesterday.”
-Allyson Comperatore