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WALK ON – Episode 162

  1. WALK ON - Episode 162 WLFE-DB Radio Network 58:20

MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast LIVE – Episode 162 
Originally aired Wednesday June 26,2024 
Featuring Author STEPHEN PANUS Stephen Panus has been a publicist, sports agent, artist, attorney, sports marketing executive, and motivational speaker. He’s represented an NFL Pro Bowl player and Super Bowl champion, a multiple-time winner of the Indianapolis 500 and a “Dancing with the Stars” champion, international star tennis players, and serves as president of The Jockey Club’s America’s Best Racing brand. Yet, the only title that’s ever mattered to him has been being a father to his two boys, Jake and Liam. When his elder son, Jake, was tragically and suddenly killed as a passenger in a reckless car crash at the tender age of sixteen in the summer of 2020, Stephen’s life imploded. Seeking to both survive and move forward, he wrote “Walk On” to confront his daily agony and inspire a renewed and resilient faith in living and regaining purpose. Stephen and his wife, Kellie, live in Connecticut with their son, foster daughter and two dogs.
Watch or listen to all episodes at www.IndieBookSource.com.

RC and JP Carter aka Rob and Joan Carter, are hosts of MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast on WLFE-db Radio and WDJY FM Radio (Atlanta). They are cohosts of HAUNTED CAMPFIRE TALES Podcast WLFE-db Radio. Both podcasts stream LIVE on Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn and X. Rob and Joan publicize other indie authors on their website www.IndieBookSource.com. You can follow them on Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram and X. Rob and Joan are members of the Underground Authors writing group.
On a personal note, they are the proud parents of six children, grandparents of fourteen grandchildren and great grandparents of one great granddaughter. Their household is run by a nine and a half pound Papillon/Shih Tzu rescue dog. They travel the country with their dog Missy in their travel trailer. Missy is a Certified B.A.R.K. Ranger, having completed a hiking trail at Mt Rushmore.

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