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Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies to Increase Leader Visibility

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Literally 300X300 1I love March…I really do! March Madness, spring is coming our way, some sunshine and occasionally warmer weather. March is a great month. As a huge pro golf fan, I know the Masters golf tournament is right around the corner and really fills my soul with excitement for spring and summer. That said, March for school leaders can be a tough, frantic time. A key aspect of effective leadership is being present and visible to staff, students, and parents. However, with all the responsibilities that come with the role, it can sometimes be challenging for school leaders to maintain a consistent presence in the building. To help school leaders bolster their visibility and impact, here are five actionable strategies they can implement:

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Img 0647 300X300 11. Regular Scheduled Walkabouts: One of the simplest yet most effective ways for school leaders to increase their presence in the building is by conducting regular walkabouts. This involves physically walking around the school premises, interacting with students, teachers, and staff members. By doing so, school leaders can demonstrate their accessibility, build rapport, and gain valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of the school. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to observe classroom dynamics, student engagement, and overall school atmosphere firsthand. Put it on your calendar and make it happen.

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Okay 300X300 12. Scheduled Check-Ins: In addition to impromptu walkabouts, school leaders should schedule regular check-ins with various stakeholders, including teachers, administrative staff, and parent groups. These check-ins can take the form of brief meetings, informal chats, or even virtual sessions, depending on the preferences and availability of participants. By proactively seeking input and feedback, school leaders not only demonstrate their commitment to collaboration but also create an inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Insider tip on this one, do it in their space not yours. This ties in with the walkabouts and even further increases your visibility.

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Cool In A Hole 300X300 13. Visible Participation in School Events: Another way for school leaders to boost their presence in the building is by actively participating in school events and activities. Whether it’s attending sports games, performances, or parent-teacher conferences, being present at these events sends a powerful message of support and engagement. Additionally, school leaders can take advantage of these opportunities to interact with students, parents, and staff outside of formal settings, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Don’t feel like you have to do them all or that you have to stay the full time. Make sure your face is seen, sit and talk, answer questions, and maybe grab a bag of popcorn.

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Sticker 1 300X300 14. Transparent Communication Channels: Effective communication is paramount in ensuring that school leaders maintain a strong presence in the building. School leaders should establish transparent communication channels through which they can disseminate important information, updates, and announcements to the entire school community. This can include regular newsletters, email updates, social media posts, and dedicated communication platforms. By keeping everyone informed and engaged, school leaders can cultivate a culture of transparency and accountability within the school. I’m going to take this a little further, `work hard to over communicate. Yes, over communicate. Odds are when you think you are over communicating, you are actually just hitting the right levels. 

Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Posing 300X300 15. Lead by Example: Perhaps the most impactful way for school leaders to throttle up their presence in the building is by leading by example. Let’s be honest, as the school leader you are always “on”. Some of being on involves embodying the values, behaviors, and expectations leaders wish to instill in others. Whether it’s demonstrating a strong work ethic, fostering a positive school climate, or celebrating and prioritizing student success, school leaders set the tone for the entire school community. By modeling the desired behaviors and attitudes, they inspire others to follow suit, thereby creating a culture of excellence and continuous improvement. 

Leaders, maintaining a visible presence in the building is an essential part of effectively leading, inspiring, and supporting your school community. By implementing strategies such as regular walkabouts, scheduled check-ins, participation in school events, transparent communication, and leading by example, school leaders can amplify their presence and make a meaningful impact on the overall success of the school and maintain the academic focus in the waining parts of the year. 

Have a #RoadToAwesome week


Be Seen: Five Awesome Strategies To Increase Leader Visibility &Raquo; Shrug 300X300 1Tune in this Sunday to “Leaning into Leadership” where my guest Dr. Frederick Buskey.

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Darrin Peppard Dr. Darrin Peppard

Dr. Darrin Peppard is an author, leadership coach, consultant, and speaker focused on organizational culture and climate, and growing emerging leaders. Darrin is the best-selling author of the book Road to Awesome, and is the host of the Leaning into Leadership podcast. As a ‘recovering high school principal’, Darrin shares strategies and lessons learned from 26 years in public education to help leaders gain clarity, find joy in their work, and walk in their purpose.

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