Coming up with Interesting Conversation Topics
- Coming up with Interesting Conversation Topics Deborah Johnson 38:03
Do you ever find yourself grappling to come up with interesting conversation topics, whether at a social event, with a spouse or even with a colleague? Many times our conversation topics end up falling into shallow chit-chat or rants about unsolved problems. When growing older, those topics are more about health issues and aches and pains. Greg and Deb share some favorite resources to spark our conversation topics with each other and others.
The population of those 65 and older is growing rapidly as baby boomers age and Statista says the year 2035 is expected to be a turning point for the population of the U.S. with more people over the age of 65 than children. Additionally, with health advances, by 2060 there are expected to be about 604,000 people aged 100 and over. Keeping the mind sharp and developing interesting conversation topics will be of good use now and for years to come! We cover 5 ways in this show with some resources to spark your imagination and conversation! Full article: Conversation Topics