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December 8th, 2023

Exploring Anhedonia: The Search for Joy and Connection

  1. Exploring Anhedonia: The Search for Joy and Connection Jeffrey Besecker 1:00:54

In this podcast episode, host Jeffrey Biesecker reflects on the year 2023 and the deep exploration of the human experience that has taken place.

The episode acknowledges that while the holiday season can be joyful for many, it can also be a time of challenge and loneliness. The top downloaded episode of the year is revisited, delving into the topic of anhedonia, a condition that robs individuals of joy and leaves them feeling empty. The episode concludes with warm wishes for the holiday season and a reminder to reach out to those who may be in need of support.

In moments of our deepest despair, its often hard to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and for those who experience anhedonia – its often difficult to feel emotions at all. 

Today we learn  Anhedonia is not a permanent state; it’s a chapter in the complex story of being human.

Join us as we embark on this emotional journey, with author, Tanith Carey, as we exploring anhedonia from all angles, sharing Tanith’s story of Resilience. 

Carey describes the experience of waking up to a world devoid of colors and melodies, where happiness and the ability to feel anything have been replaced by an overwhelming sense of emptiness. Jeffrey and Tanith delve into the ache and constant dull pain that accompanies anhedonia, as well as the numbing of the senses. 

Despite this desolate landscape, there remains a flicker of hope and a longing for the return of emotions. Join Jeffrey as he explores the journey from despair to finding the light at the end of the tunnel.

As a psychological phenomenon, Anhedonia, the silent thief of joy, wraps its cold fingers around every inch of your being. Not only is it the lack of happiness, but it’s also losing the ability to feel anything, leaving behind an overwhelming sense of emptiness.

We shed light on the path to rediscovering the beauty of emotions and guide you through the labyrinth of feelings that shape our lives.

Time stamps:

[00:01:10] The ache of anhedonia.

[00:06:07] Loss of joy: anhedonia.

[00:07:18] Disconnecting in Anhedonia.

[00:10:06] Lack of joy in Anhedonia.

[00:14:19] Shame and seeking professional help.

[00:16:59] Brains’s metalympic reward pathway.

[00:20:09] Fear of happiness.

[00:24:10] The role of happiness addiction.

[00:27:20] Breaking free of anhedonia.

[00:31:38] Feeling the soul’s vibrational frequency.

[00:34:23] Reparenting and finding joy.

[00:36:04] Burnout and cortisol levels.

[00:40:33] Neurotransmitter imbalances and anhedonia.

[00:45:39] Thyroid imbalance and low mood.

[00:46:27] Antibiotic overuse and gut microbiota.

[00:50:00] Porn and anhedonia.

[00:53:24] Treatment for anhedonia.


JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast


Featured Guests: 

Tanith Carey

Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound

Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker

Mixing, Engineering, Production, and Mastering: Aloft Media Studio

Senior Program Director:  Anna Getz


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Jeffrey B. Besecker The Light Inside, Podcaster

Hi! I am Jeffrey Besecker. Using data-driven methodologies, we explore why we behave the way we do as human beings - think of it as investigative reporting for the soul.

We are all on the journey to discover the light inside, that beacon that guides us to live our truest, most authentic selves.

You can hear more from Jeffrey on his podcast The Light Inside where he aims to deliver actionable insights into our unconscious behaviors leading to richer, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

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