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The ABCs Of Keeping Customers Happy In Your Service-Based Business

The Abcs Of Keeping Customers Happy In Your Service-Based Business &Raquo; Screenshot2023 09 06At7.37.11Pm

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The recipe for business success relies on many ingredients. However, keeping customers happy is unquestionably the most important. Without it, the entire thing will fall flat, especially when working in a service-based climate.

As an entrepreneur, the pressure to impress clients can trick you into thinking its an overly complex issue. Ultimately, though, success can be achieved simply by focusing on your ABCs. Let’s get started.

Acknowledge customer expectations

If a prospective customer is going to have confidence in your company, they need to feel connected to it. Therefore, acknowledging your place in the market along with the expectations of your target audience should be at the top of your agenda.

Many clients in service-based sectors like spa and beauty clinics expect personalization. This is because the treatments should feel tailored to their specific requirements. Active listening is another vital factor regardless of whether it’s beauty, food, fashion, or any other setting. Clients will tell you how to satisfy their expectations. So, don’t ignore it.

Modern consumers and B2B clients expect the best customer experience. When you provide it, they won’t only be happy to use your business. They’ll happily spend more Money on your services too. When combined with data analytics to spot trends from your audience, great results are sure to follow.

Build a stronger team

The harsh reality of running a business is that only a percentage of client interactions will be handled directly by you. With this in mind, building a strong workforce of employees that boast the necessary people skills for success is vital. For your sake as well as the clients.

Hiring the right employees is one thing. However, you should also invest in staff development. Supervisor training is a particularly beneficial process. It gives team leaders the ability to keep team members moving in the right direction. This should be supported by clear mission statements and guidelines for all employees.

Clients can pick up on the atmosphere within your team too. Therefore, it is crucial that you invest in creating a sense of unity. Team bonding sessions and away days are particularly effective solutions. The fact that colleagues will be comfortable asking for help can also take the quality of your services to the next level.

Cultivate a value-based culture

When thinking about ways to keep customers happy, most entrepreneurs focus on new leads. However, the clue is in the title. If you are aiming to keep consumers satisfied, retaining loyal clients should be the priority.

Running loyalty schemes can be a great way to show that you value the customers. In turn, this can increase the frequency of transactions as well as the amount spent on each visit. Better still remarketing is statistically cheaper than reaching out to new leads. Likewise, you can subsequently track their habits to work out what other services could be suggested.

Most consumers also want to have shared values with the brand. So, if you are an eco-friendly business or have other attributes that would impress customers, it’s vital that you celebrate them. They are a part of your DNA and can provide the USPs that ultimately lead people to fall in love with the brand. Perfect.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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