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March 4th, 2021

268. Rebecca Roper – The Rise of Girls and Women's Wrestling, The Dan Gable Museum and The Incredible Fitness and Grit of Wrestlers

  1. 268. Rebecca Roper - The Rise of Girls and Women's Wrestling, The Dan Gable Museum and The Incredible Fitness and Grit of Wrestlers Darian Parker 42:26

I have served as the assistant to the director of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Museum since 2019. I am responsible for social media and event planning while also being in charge of the daily operations of the museum and merchandise. I created “Girl Talk at the Dan Gable Museum,” a series of videos/podcast interviewing wives of wrestling coaches. I grew up around wrestling as my father wrestled and coached and my uncles wrestled at Georgia Tech. My brother was a two-time Georgia state high school champion and an All-American at Emmanuel College. My father wouldn’t let me wrestle because there wasn’t a girls wrestling program, but I was a mat maid in high school. My husband, Lee, is the head assistant coach for the University of Northern Iowa wrestling team.
Music Credit: Shaolin Dub – Back Turn

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Darian Parker Dr. D's Social Network

Dr. Darian Parker earned his Ph.D in Sports Education Leadership with an emphasis in Behavior Modification from UNLV. He earned his Master and Bachelor degrees from James Madison University in Kinesiology. Dr. Parker is the Co-Owner of Epic Leisure Management LLC., the Owner of Parker Personal Training LLC and the Host of Dr. D's Social Network Podcast. Dr. Parker is a certified personal trainer through the NSCA. During Dr. Parker's career he has served several roles in the fitness and wellness industry. He has worked extensively in both the academic and private club sector as a Director of Education for a Career College, General Manager of a high end luxury residential fitness club and National Director of Fitness for a global leisure management company.

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