What It's Like To Be a Sound Healer
- What It's Like To Be a Sound Healer 38:22
Picture this: you lay down on a comfortable surface, close your eyes, and for up to an hour your body and mind are lulled into a state of prime restoration and relaxation by listening to the soothing sounds of crystal bowls being played by a master. Laura Penn Gallerstein, a master sound healer, uses a variety of modalities, including crystal bowls and a harmonium, in her sessions. In this episode, Laura explains the science behind the magic (how the vibrations from the bowls affect the vibrations in our bodies–which are comprised of mostly water); as well as the spiritual and musical aspects of the work. She also gives suggestions for anyone struggling with unending to-do lists, or waking up in the middle of the night with your head spinning–and teaches us why living in our parasympathetic nervous system is a much healthier place to be. Laura's message to all of us is, “You are good enough, just who you are.”
In this episode:
- What is sound healing with crystal bowls? (02:15)
- Sample of playing the crystal bowls (06:23)
- Why the bowls affect people like they do (07:39)
- How Laura got interested in this work (10:40)
- What is required to be a master sound healer (12:32)
- Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous systems in our bodies (15:22)
- Where the bowls are made and how much they cost (20:30)
- Describing the experience of being in a sound healing session (23:34)
- The beauty of leaning into things that feel scary and difficult (31:45)
Want to know more about Laura?
- Connect with her on Instagram: @gallersteinl
- Find her on YouTube: @LauraPennGallerstein
- Check our her website: www.laurapenngallerstein.com
- Order her book, “Whispers in Sound”: www.whispersinsound.com
- https://www.amazon.com/Whispers-Sound-Profound-Vibrations-Meditation/dp/1736559303/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MHVTFOL1FLIZ&keywords=whispers+in+sound+book&qid=1676848944&sprefix=whispers+in+sound+book%2Caps%2C365&sr=8-1
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