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November 16th, 2022

Ep. 24 Season 1, – Atala Tovar – Abierto a los Milagros

  1. Ep. 24 Season 1, - Atala Tovar - Abierto a los Milagros Jody Birnberg 20:12

LifeMaven Podcast was born from my VideoMaven online video business. My videos (100+ inspiring interviews) reveal things in others they often did not realize themselves. In LifeMaven Podcast, most likely, you will see yourself in our guests’ successes, failures, laughter, tears, and resilience! After listening to my Podcast, please subscribe and follow me so you will “stay in the know.” Let me help you authentically (that can be hard!) “shine “on your videos!

LifeMaven Podcast nació de mi negocio de video en línea VideoMaven. Mis videos (100+ entrevistas inspiradoras) revelan cosas en otros que a menudo no se dieron cuenta. ¡En LifeMaven Podcast, lo más probable es que te veas en los éxitos, fracasos, risas, lágrimas y resiliencia de nuestros huéspedes! Después de escuchar mi podcast, asegúrese de suscribirse y seguirme para que “permanezca informado”. Déjame ayudarte auténticamente (¡eso puede ser difícil!) “brilla” en tus videos!

#compasiĂłnvaliente #courageouscompassion #lifemavenpodcast #LifeMavenpodcast


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LifeMaven helps you find your story- your confident essence. How? I tap into my five decades of exploring modalities such as Bioenergetics, Gestalt, self-hypnosis, energy work, Primal Scream, and Conscious Language, blending it with my business experience in the following industries: restaurant, hospital, manufacturer janitorial rep group owner, solopreneur, and wellness community.

What happens? You get to find out who you are and bring it to online video to help increase visibility and revenue for your business, mission, passion, and lasting family memory.


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