Check the Puddle Before Diving In
As I reflected on the ducks in their new pool of water, it occurred to me that these ducks are behaving like many organizations do when they only focus on the short term. What do I mean by that?
As I reflected on the ducks in their new pool of water, it occurred to me that these ducks are behaving like many organizations do when they only focus on the short term. What do I mean by that?
There are a few broad categories that trigger people to reach out to me. Retirement planning is biggest. Major life changes (marriage, divorce, having kids) is a common reason, too. Another one, albeit slightly more unique: “I have a good handle on our finances, but I want to get you involved because my spouse needs […]
Have you ever wondered where your time went? Sure, you have…we all have at one point in our lifetime. We all sit around looking back at a series of wasted time we invested and wonder where the time went. If we had planned, organized, worked hard, and set goals, we would be looking back and […]