Thursday - September 19th, 2024
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Pacific Northwest Ballet

Seattle—Day 1

I’m in Seattle visiting a client, @Pacific Northwest Ballet. Last night, as their guest, I attended one of the best evenings of dance I’ve ever experienced. There were three pieces choreographed by women—Twyla Tharp, Jessica Lang, and Crystal Pite. While they were each different, they complemented each other perfectly and together made a powerful impression. […]

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Seattle Day 2

The day began watching a professional class at Pacific Northwest Ballet . While I’ve viewed many classes, the dancers never fail to impress me with their flexibility, grace, and athleticism. Seemingly effortlessly, they get into positions I wouldn’t have been able to manage, even at age 5. Usually, Seattle is gray, misty, and overcast. But […]

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Seattle – Day 4

The prediction was for a gray, chilly day. Fortunately, the forecasters got it wrong. Today has been sunny, though a bit cool. I’ve truly lucked out weatherwise, something to be grateful for in Seattle. I met an old colleague and friend Charlie, and his wife MJ, for breakfast. We hadn’t spent time together since pre-pandemic, […]

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