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Time Opportunities of Reverse Mentoring

As I get older, I find myself dispensing more advice to those younger than me. Obviously, some of it is intentional through my writing, but a certain amount is organic. It is honoring and humble to have someone else seek your council. Transferring knowledge and experience to improve the lives of others can be a way to leave an essence of yourself to carry on in the future.

I’ve been blessed to have wonderful mentors throughout my career and have benefited from the assistance and instruction these tutors generously gave me as I navigated corporate life. The advice I received was based on their greater experience and time that was able to be transferred to me. I have been a mentor myself to younger professionals looking to find ways to improve their performance.

Why does the mentor relationship usually seem to be based on age and time? I have found in a world of significant technological and societal change; age is less of a factor when it comes to giving and receiving advice. The concept of older people seeking instruction from a younger generation is becoming more common. Reverse mentoring is alive and well. Now in my sixth decade of life, I find I am more open to observing and listening to the recommendations from generations that have followed me. As a result, I have learned some “time enhancements” along the way.

Lifestyle Planning

I came of age during the 1980s where the expected path was to go to college, get a job, start a family, save for the future, and then retire. I have followed that model and have had a blessed life along the way. However, my children (by their example) are showing me a different path.

My oldest son has integrated so many of his hobbies into his way of life. They are intertwined with his professional pursuits that he can experience more personal achievements at his age than I ever did when I was his age.

Likewise, my youngest son creates personal milestones and professional pursuits that align with the adventure life he likes to lead. This attitude has led to multiple seasons as a forest firefighter and hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Each has mentored me that life experiences do not need to wait for a perfect time and place, but time should be always invested in accomplishing life goals sooner rather than later.

Time Opportunities Of Reverse Mentoring &Raquo; Post Career Lifestyle Stress Test

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Post-Career Lifestyle Stress Test

Test your feels around personal health, budgets, goal planning, and financial attitude to anticipate what areas might bring you Stress in post-career or Retirement life.

Digital Living

I consider myself adept at navigating through electronic tech that on the one hand is making your lives so much easier, and on the other hand sucking us into large periods of wasted time.

While I once prided myself on my meticulous paper-based organization system, it was youthful advisors who have trained me on cloud-based tools that saved hours of filing and searching. What initially seemed like a simple shift in tools became a fundamental change in how I perceive and manage time.

This continues today, I proactively seek those who have greater knowledge and use of new tools and automation. In most cases, the individuals are younger.

Communication Living

I evolved in a time when as a traveling salesperson I needed to stop at a payphone, send electronic information by fax, analyzed paper reports, and always met in person. While I adapt to Technology, I find myself happily playing catch-up and relying on subsequent generations to keep me up to date.

Their intuitive understanding of when to use synchronous versus asynchronous communication has altered how I manage my daily interactions. I am mentored in a variety of time efficient ways to broaden my voice.

For example, I ignored WhatsApp for years, not seeing the value of it as a tool. It was not until someone more than 20 years younger than me invested time to show me the benefits that I found it became a great tool to deepen international business Relationships.

Look Back to Look Forward

Age can certainly bring knowledge and Wisdom. Mentoring is a beneficial way to transfer understanding what will bring more quality time into life. However, astuteness should not be considered a one-way street – from old to young. “Seniors” (or older in age) can benefit from insights and perceptions of youth.

David Buck is the author of the book The Time-Optimized Life, owner of Kairos (Time) Management Solutions, LLC. Learn how to apply the concepts of proactively planning and using your time. Take the Time Management Analysis (TMA), the Retirement Time Analysis (RTA), or all the other free resources offered to help bring more quality time into your life.

The post Time Opportunities of Reverse Mentoring first appeared on Infinity Lifestyle Design.

In 35+ years of business development, David developed a strong awareness of what it took for people to be productive and efficient, not just busy. He also personally sought to gain a balance of having a successful career along with the ability to pursue a meaningful personal life.

That led David to start Kairos Management Solutions, focusing all his attention to guide business professionals who struggle with a lack of flexibility in their life to gain more quality personal time. David helps others craft a strategy around their current management of time, and then define a lifestyle of intention, ease, and joy.

In 2024, David released two books, the first being The Time Optimized Life. The book reframes the reactive nature of time management and replaces it with a proactive method of time optimization. In addition, he co-authored The Retirement Collective, where he highlights and provides solutions for how to maximize the use of time for people in post-career life.

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David Buck


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