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Michael D. Levitt

Step-By-Step Guide To Taking Your Business Digital &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 24At10.00.25 Am

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Your Business Digital

Photo by fauxels: Taking your business digital is essential in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. Going digital offers numerous benefits if you want to expand your market reach, improve customer engagement, or streamline operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this transition smoothly and effectively. Evaluate Your Current Business Model Before making any changes, […]

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Adapting To New Ecommerce Technologies For Business Growth &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 24At6.16.57 Am

Adapting to New eCommerce Technologies for Business Growth

Image via Straico Running an online business means facing constant changes and updates in technology. These changes can feel overwhelming, but they also bring exciting growth opportunities.  New eCommerce technologies are more than just trends; they are powerful tools that enhance your business’s efficiency and customer satisfaction. Picture a website where customers can view products […]

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Tips To Make Your Craft Brewery Popular This Summer &Raquo; Craftmasterstainless 297069 Friends Having Beer Image1

Tips To Make Your Craft Brewery Popular This Summer

As the days grow longer and temperatures rise, breweries have a unique opportunity to attract new customers and keep regulars returning. Summer is when people feel like venturing out, exploring new places, and unwinding with friends and family. With the right strategies, your brewery can become a top destination for these summertime gatherings. Beyond just […]

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Fair Play for Employee Rights at Your Business

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels Employee rights at your business should be at the forefront of ongoing policies and governance. Without a reliable workforce, there is no business. However, operations aside, everyone at the company has the right to things like fair remuneration and personal time off in a decent place. A Safe Place […]

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What Qualifies As A Like-Kind Exchange? &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 23At8.22.26 Pm

What qualifies as a like-kind exchange?

Image via Straico When individuals sell an investment or business property, they acquire capital gains. Investors acquiring capital gains from selling must then pay taxes on those gains at the time of the sale. IRC section 1031 offers an exception for investors to postpone or defer paying taxes if there is a reinvestment in a […]

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How Early Should Startups Have An Hr Department? &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 23At9.17.10 Am

How Early Should Startups Have an HR Department?

Image credit There are many questions when you’re running a startup, but it’s not just questions; it’s the decisions, too. You have to do what you can to be financially sound. After all, when you’re starting up, there are just startup costs left and right. But speaking of which, there’s still one question that you […]

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The 4 Most Common Gas Plant Hazards And How To Avoid Them &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 23At4.08.26 Am

The 4 Most Common Gas Plant Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Image via Straico Gas powers our lives, but it’s a double-edged sword. While a reliable energy source, it poses severe dangers if mishandled. Every year, hundreds of gas-related incidents occur across the U.S., ranging from silent leaks to devastating explosions. The good news is that these risks are preventable through knowledge and action. Understanding the […]

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3 Business Tasks We Recommend That You Outsource &Raquo; Screenshot2024 07 23At3.50.43 Am

3 Business Tasks We Recommend That You Outsource

Location Link – CC0 License When it comes to your business, you must be doing everything in your power to see success. Sometimes, this will mean admitting that you need help and cannot do everything on your own. It’s a harsh realization, but you must come to it sooner rather than later to push your […]

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Make Your Business More Family-Friendly With These Tips

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash  For many businesses, the nine-to-five hours are long gone. People’s modern lives no longer fit around these hours, and companies need to adapt and change their schedules to suit them, especially if they want to ensure they are getting the best employees for their business.  You need to be […]

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