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Considering changing your diet to boost cognitive function in old age?

A recent study suggests that a balanced diet could be your best bet. Here are the main takeaways: What we eat affects our well-being, but understanding the precise relationship between diet and brain health is complex. Recent research published in Nature Mental Health indicates that different dietary patterns can influence various aspects of brain health, […]

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What is RSV and why should I care about it

 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus affecting Canadians’ health. It infects the airways and lungs, causing cold-like symptoms such as runny nose and coughing, usually lasting one to two weeks. Vulnerable groups include children under two, older adults, those with heart or lung conditions, and immunocompromised individuals. Adults over 65 face more […]

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Is it too late to quit smoking?

Here are some tough questions and answers that you need to consider before you start on this path 1.   Is it too late for seniors to quit smoking? No, it’s never too late to quit smoking. Regardless of your age, quitting smoking has immediate and long-term health benefits. Within just 20 minutes of quitting, your heart […]

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Developing a Personalized Quit Smoking Strategy

Quitting smoking is a significant decision that requires a well-thought-out plan. A personalized quit-smoking strategy can increase your chances of success. Start by setting a quit date, informing your friends and family about your decision, and removing cigarettes and related paraphernalia from your environment. Identify your triggers, such as stress, social situations, or certain times […]

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Living with a smoker

 My wife is a smoker and she and others in her age group keep trying to quit smoking. So, I totally understand how hard it can be to quit smoking, especially if you’ve been smoking for a long time. There is a quit-smoking action plan that has worked for countless people just like you, and […]

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