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280 Jacynth Bassett: Ageism is Never in Style – 31 year old Activist

  1. 280 Jacynth Bassett: Ageism is Never in Style - 31 year old Activist Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 32:47

Visionary and disrupter, Jacynth Bassett, is an award-winning, highly sought after consultant and expert in the anti-ageism/ age-inclusive & positive movement. At only 31, she is widely recognized as a leading pioneer and voice, awarded ‘Anti-Ageist Activist’ of 2023, at the inaugural Advantages Of Age Awards 2023. and named one of Evening Standard’s 22 Londoners Changing the World.

She is the Founder & CEO of the award-winning global campaign, consultancy & community Ageism Is Never In Style®, and of The Bias Cut – the first age-inclusive independent Fashion online boutique.

Aging is a privilege. She lost a dear friend to cancer at age 18. Her whole inspiration came from her Mum who was experiencing ageism as her career was waning. Jacynth became an activist and consciously began to use her platform to support other people. She was determined to make an impact. 

She studied law at Cambridge and intended to create opportunities to speak, blog and build a following. She found her age to be an advantage in growing a community that believes as she does. In the last 1-2 years she is heartened to see how many people are joining. Her manifesto has 5 principles, beginning with aging as you wish. It’s your choice.

“I’m heartened to see how many young people are taking up the battle to end ageism.” – Jacynth Bassett

Connect with Jacynth:


Website: The Bias Cut


Gail Zelitzky & Catherine Marienau Women Over 70 - Aging Reimagined

The decades that begin in our 70s require resilience to deal with new challenges, gratitude for living longer, and inspiration to enrich our own and others’ lives. Hosts Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau are two such women. Their stories and the stories of the over 200 women they have interviewed celebrate women’s enduring courage, compassion and contribution. Our compelling stories shatter the myth that we become irrelevant as we age.

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