"Incentivize people to grow their perspective" – Radell Lewis
- "Incentivize people to grow their perspective" - Radell Lewis Terry McMullen 1:01:11
Radell’s mission is to have authentic conversations, expand people’s perspectives, and find a way out of the toxic political discourse that exists in our world today. He hopes to use his podcast (https://www.purplepoliticalbreakdown.com) to show people that you can use logic, reason, and understanding to work through some of the most complex and nuanced issues that society faces.
This approach obviously resonates with me and I enjoyed digging into some of today’s political issues to see how Radell’s approach might help solve them. Maybe even more so, I enjoyed getting to better understand him, his value system, and why he finds this work so important.
He is also another in a long line of guests who has optimism that humanity can be better. Sadly, I find myself more pessimistic as time goes on, so we also spent time debating if we have any chance of figuring this thing out or if we are just doomed.
More complete bio from Radell-
Navigating the vast amount of bouncing around the political spectrum my entire life I have finally figured something important out. It doesn’t matter. I’ve been religious, been in the military, went to a liberal school and all in all none of the political biases matter. We shouldn’t let toxic discourse cloud our judgement and find a solution through logic and conversation. In pursuit of this mission I created this podcast to focus on these important conversations.