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February 7th, 2024

What It's Like To Be a Solo RV Traveler

  1. What It's Like To Be a Solo RV Traveler Jenell Jones 41:23

Jenell Jones has everything she owns with her at all times, and can Travel wherever she chooses (as long as the destination is on this continent!). Jenell is a full-time RV (recreational vehicle) traveler.   She spends her life on the road, but Jenell isn't lonely: she runs an RV club for other solo travelers, so they travel “alone, together.”  In this episode Jenell recounts her transition to the RV life (she didn't even know how to drive an RV when she decided to buy one!), paring down her “stuff” to what she actually needs (one swimsuit and a few highball glasses made the cut), and talks about how she now spends her days: hiking in Alaska, biking in the Grand Canyon, and eating fresh $10 lobster in Maine.  “I love this Lifestyle,” says Jenell. “I feel sorry for my old self”–the person who worked a “regular” job and packed in as much as possible during her all-too-short vacations. Now her work, her life, and travel are all packed into one–one very long vehicle. 

Jenell is offering a $10 discount to “What It's Like To…” listeners who join the Wandering Individuals Network RV Club.  Go to, and use this code: WHATITSLIKETO.

In this episode:

01:33–How and why Jenell got started RV'ing
03:47–A day in the life of Jenell in her RV
07:13–Exploring: biking, hiking, visiting museums with other solo travelers
09:24–Paring down her belongings to fit in an RV
13:37–Key items to live the RV lifestyle
16:03–Jenell's thoughts on the idea of “home”
18:18–Safety while RV'ing
18:54–Personal and logistical challenges she has encountered along the way
24:42–Some of Jenell's favorite destinations
31:58–The Wandering Individuals Network: what it is, how it works
36:36–What Jenell has learned about the US after traveling around it so much

Want to know more about Jenell and the Wandering Individuals Network RV Club?

Find her on Facebook:
Connect with her on Instagram:
Check out her website:

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Elizabeth Pearson Garr has spent a lot of her life asking questions. A daughter of a professor and a principal, as a kid she loved sitting at the “adult table” during their dinner parties so she could participate in the “real” conversations.

Elizabeth went on to graduate with honors from Harvard with a degree in History and Literature, and promptly attended professional cooking school to become a food writer. That led to various career opportunities, including becoming one of the first employees of the Television Food Network; writing/producing gigs at networks from PBS to E!; anchoring/reporting at the NBC affiliate in Billings, Montana; earning a graduate degree in Documentary Film & Video from Stanford University; and various and sundry other things. The through-line to all this has been curiosity. Elizabeth is a skilled interviewer who loves diving deep into research, finding connections, and telling good stories.

Elizabeth has a husband, two daughters, and a fluffy white dog who rarely leaves her side.


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