1. Freedom with Ben Wallace By Selling Books At Shows and Online Jody J. Sperling 57:03

Ben Wallace writes post-apocalyptic adventures packed with humor. He’s a star at comic conventions, and a bestseller online. Pens at the ready, friends. You’ll want to take notes, because Ben is a great teacher.

Is AMMO Write For You?

If you’re an author with a handful of books published (or you’ve published nonfiction and have one book with a great program to help clients), AMMO is unlike any other program on the market. You’re going to have to work the program to find success, and bestseller status likely won’t hit in weeks of joining the program, but for many authors, AMMO is the beginning of a lucrative career that puts books first. Learn more here.

THIS IS THE LINK TO MY SUBSTACK if you’re listening elsewhere.

Have You Been Contemplating Scrivener?

I was late to take up Scrivener, but as I am digging deeper into a mystery series with each passing day, I find the need for meticulous detail keeping unavoidable.

And you know what? I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner. Scrivener is the most amazing detail-keeper-straighter in the world. I like it so much I’m getting a whole podcast episode together devoted to why Scrivener is the best word processor and the only one you need as a novelist. Want to give it a spin?

Click here for a free 30-Day Trial.

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Jody J Sperling Novelist and Podcast Host