My Roadmap To Passive Financial Freedom, How To Make Enough Money To Only Work 3-5 Hours Per Week
- My Roadmap To Passive Financial Freedom, How To Make Enough Money To Only Work 3-5 Hours Per Week Will Young 17:34
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Young Bloods,
I have built 2 hustles into full-time gigs at this point and bought my time back on two separate occasions. Due to the nature of the industries and lack of passion after 9-12 months of work, I decided to switch industries to find something I enjoy much more. I have worked a year in both industries to discover this for myself. It was not a quick or easy process. However, throughout this episode, I depict the exact step-by-step roadmap to a passive 3-4 hour work week while making the money you need to survive and invest further. This would allow someone to either work on a passionate long-term project for as many hours as they would like or it can allow them to Travel anywhere they would like while still making money. although I am still on this roadmap I am very close to accomplishing this goal in a sustainable way. I hope this helps anyone on their way to financial freedom. message me on Linkedin with feedback, thanks in advance.