1. Episode 270-Jennifer House and Transforming Mealtimes: Strategies for Picky Eaters and Building Lifelong Healthy Eating Habits Sara Gullihur-Bradford aka SJ Childs 41:43

Embark on a journey to transform mealtimes with your little ones as we host Jennifer House, a registered dietitian and mother of three who is an expert in navigating the challenges of feeding picky eaters. Discover the secret to a peaceful dinner table as we unpack Ellen Satter's division of responsibility in feeding. Jennifer brings her profound insights into why allowing kids to control their food intake is pivotal in preventing negative eating habits and fostering a healthy relationship with food. Together, we shine a light on the intricate dance between addressing underlying issues behind a child's eating behaviors and the potential harm in pressuring them to try new foods.

Snack time doesn't have to be a battleground! In our conversation, we reveal the importance of structured eating times and pairing food groups to help children recognize hunger and fullness signals. The art of moderation also comes into play as we discuss why including treats can actually prevent binging. For those struggling with sensory issues or the introduction of new foods, we offer a compassionate and patient approach. Learn how engaging family meal experiences lay the groundwork for eating competence and a lifetime of healthy eating habits—truly a balance between nutrition and enjoyment.

Wrapping up with practical takeaways, we dive into the fun of hydration, exploring creative ways to keep water consumption exciting for kids, and the significant role it plays in their health. Get tips on involving your children in meal planning and grocery shopping to cultivate their interest in nutrition and empower them to make informed choices. Plus, I share a treasure trove of resources available to all parents, including books, online courses, and tailored guidance for families looking to embrace healthy eating with confidence and joy. Join us as we equip you with strategies to ensure your family's journey towards healthy eating is as delightful as it is nutritious.

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Sara Bradford Podcaster, aka SJ Childs

Sara Bradford is an Autistic woman and advocate and is the CEO of SJ Childs LLC, an autism consulting business to support families. She is a member of the Autism Council of Utah and also the owner of FB Autism Advocates Support Group. She is a mother of 2, and her husband and kids are also on the autism spectrum. She is a Global Autism Speaker, as well as a Podcast Host-The SJ Childs Show Podcast. She continues to strengthen her community through local university and hospital Autism partnerships, police training, corporate autism training programs, and more. Sara is a children's book author, pen name SJ Childs. Subjects such as autism, dyslexia, physical differences, anxiety, and more. Helping children understand themselves and support their peers with neurodiverse needs. Encouraging love and inclusion in every situation.