Saturday - December 21st, 2024
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Episode #308: Ken Burrows

  1. Episode #308: Ken Burrows outofthetrenches 34:12

Ken Burrows is currently an English learner coordinator and owner of the business Rap Opera for Kids that uses Hip Hop and rap music to teach language arts skills using song lyrics. He taught as an English learner teacher in Virginia for 12 years, and through his experiences in the classroom, he developed several strategies and methods based on English language instruction research and best practices combined with rap music to develop the lessons and activities he shares with teachers through Rap Opera for Kids, helping them achieve high student engagement with cultural relevance.

Find Ken online: or @rapoperacentral on YouTube

Dana Goodier Out of the Trenches podcast

Are you in the trenches as an educator? You're not alone. Hear from those who have been in the trenches and managed to come out intact. Hear their stories!


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