1. 189. Quieting Your Inner Critic By Becoming Your Own Ally with Cynthia Phelps Esther Avant 49:17

Most of us have an inner voice who’s pretty critical and can be loud at times (sometimes what feels like all the time).

Having that voice is normal and a byproduct of our brain always being on the lookout for threats to our safety.

While we can’t fully eliminate it, today’s guest, Cynthia Phelps, is teaching us how we can work on developing an Inner Ally who helps balance out our self-talk and supports us when we need it most. 


Dr. Phelps is a Stanford Ambassador of Compassion, International Speaker, Certified Mindfulness Instructor, and Founder of InnerAlly, a trauma-Informed company building tools, courses, and mobile apps to improve mental wellness based on the science of self-compassion.  She has extensive experience in learning and behavior change and has been developing mental health tools since 2009.  Her expertise is in helping people to use their inner voice as their superpower to get what they want out of life. Her background in pharmacology and neuroscience helps her create programs and products for effective health behavior change. Cynthia started InnerAlly after having a profound recovery experience with implementing self-compassion in her own life, and now she facilitates live and online trainings and private programs to help others to make their own breakthroughs. InnerAlly celebrates the power of creating a kind and supportive inner voice to change your life for the better.

InnerAlly Cards: https://cynthiaphelps.com/product/innerally-cards/


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Esther Avant Health & Weight Loss Coach

Esther Avant is a health industry veteran with over 17 years of experience in fitness, nutrition, and wellness related roles. She is a certified sports nutritionist, personal trainer, wellness coach, and owner of EA Coaching, which has provided holistic health & lifestyle coaching since 2015.

Her mission is to help women live their happiest, healthiest, and most confident lives and to change the fact that the majority of women are so preoccupied with their weight and bodies that they never fully pursue their passions. She knows that if more women prioritized their health, they’d be able to unleash the confidence and focus they all need to leave their mark on the world

Esther is also a boy mom and Navy wife who has lived and traveled all over the world while running her EA Coaching.