Happy International Day of Happiness!
This is the Spring Equinox. It’s truly a day when happiness is the dominant expression. My name is Erica Glessing, and I’m here today to keep us in that realm of happiness and help you release anything that could be standing in the way of a deep and engaged sense of happiness.
Truly, this is something I’ve known my entire life, and it’s really interesting. I remember back to when I built the Happiness Telesummit years ago, and I got on the phone with some of the most amazing experts in the field of happiness, including Marci Shimoff, who wrote “Happy for No Reason,” and other amazing light bringers. They were like, “Oh my gosh, you really are happy!” They were surprised, but when we look at this energy of happiness, this expression of joyful happiness, it’s going to look different for you than for anyone else. And that’s why it can be elusive, because you might be looking outside for what happiness is as compared to being it yourself.
So, I was guided to read a passage from my book, “Happiness Quotations: Gentle Reminders of Your Preciousness,” to you. It is Happiness Quotation 26: “The universe lies within you. It’s about more than you, yet all of the universe lies within you. So as you get clear and get in tune with your inner joyfulness, the universe brightens. Let’s say that again: As you get clear and tune into your joyfulness, the universe brightens. Within every cell of your being lies the entire universe. The history of the planet is within us all. The future of the planet is not known. As each of us finds this glory in being, as each of us touches that light that we all are, the entire universe becomes filled with more light, more love, and more absolute harmony of being. Trust that you are here now for a reason. Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and you are learning everything you came to learn. And within you lies the greatness that lies within every person on the planet. You are a part of all that is. Feel that, experience that, and revel in that today. The universe lies within you.”
And this is a passage in my second book called “Happiness Quotations: Gentle Reminders of Your Preciousness.” You can find more gentle reminders like this in my book, available now! https://amzn.to/4iJr2Yp
Thank you so much for being here today. It’s a joyful day for me. I am so grateful for the teachings and the teachers and the mentors and the light of beings that came before me, and the light of beings that are showing me the way and guiding my own light. It’s a very special day for me. March 20th is always a special day for me.
The happiness, the expression of happiness, is so different than one might have thought it might be. And this is really funny because I remember, I’m blessed to have exceptionally wealthy friends, like, you know, half a billion dollar net worth type of friends or more. And I remember when they said to me that happiness wasn’t about the Money. And I remember being like, “Yeah, right, easy for you to say.” Like, it’s easy if you have money to say happiness isn’t about money. If you don’t have money and you’re looking for food and you’re looking for shelter and you’re kind of scratching to get by, happiness definitely looks like money to you, which is, without it, you can’t eat. And it’s so sad when you can’t eat when there’s no food. I remember that. And yet now it’s funny. I look at it and I go, “Well, happiness isn’t about money.” It only took me like six decades around the sun to see that.
Let me just ask you to believe that there is a place where you wake up happy, that there’s a sensation of waking up happy, of being on purpose, and that this probably isn’t a lot closer than you think. It’s probably, it could just be inches or molecules away from where you are right now, right now, today.
One of the things I say is that happiness is a discipline. And now more than ever in this chaotic year where there’s so much change and so much drama, this practice of happiness is going to help everybody even more, even more than it did before, even more than it did five years ago, even more than it did ten years ago. Because as you embody happiness, as you stand for it, as you believe in it, as you open up to your gifts in it, right, as it all comes to you and you share it with others, the gift now just became exponentially more valuable than it was.
And this is why you’re being called. And this is why you’re listening today. It’s because standing in this happiness, standing in this joyfulness, this awe, this inner strength of being, as you stand in this, you help so many others who are unclear, who are unsure, who are sad, who are grappling.
And I did want to give a shout out to one of my co-authors, Rich Cruse, who passed away recently, and he took the most amazing photographs of sunsets and sunrises, and he took photos for some of my Happiness Quotations books. And I just want to send a shout out to Rich, wherever you are right now, because on this day of happiness, I remember your gifts so pointedly because they complimented mine, and I love words, and he walked in pictures. I’m just going to send a note of gratitude.
And what you might want to do if you’re missing someone or if you experienced some loss in this past year, for me, I lost my mom in 2003, and sometimes that pain is still red hot. It doesn’t necessarily go away when you came to the planet with someone, and now they’re gone, right? So what you want to do in these situations where you’re experiencing loss and Grief is to be, this is going to sound so flippin’, I don’t know what, but you’re going to want to be in gratitude for what they brought, and then free them to be whoever they want to be in this next universe where they are, because in holding or cleaving someone to us, we can still their Growth on their next levels, right? So free anyone who was in your life and then crossed over and say, you know, I wish you well, may God be with you, may light be with you, and then, come back now to your own inner happiness. That’s really what today is about.
I know that you’re not alone. There are angels and guides and past loved ones who would like to contribute to happiness on the planet. I’m going to say that again, there are angels and light and celestial energy and stars and sun and all of this golden energy would like to contribute to joyfulness on the planet, on this kind of dense planet Earth that has so much to learn. So right, and so I’m being shown to help you grapple with some of the polarities and polarizations. And I remember the first time there was an election, and it was the 2016 election, and there were a lot of people posting lots of polarizing things about the different candidates, and I just said I will not be polarized. I disagree to it. I have a friend in Texas and he, you know, he’s Texas, a Republican old school, and he said, you know what, I’m just not going to go there. I must stay in my heart space. And he and I are on completely opposite ends of the political spectrum because I’m, you know, liberal AF, right? I’m liberal and then I’m liberal and then I’m beyond liberal. I’m a capitalist though, so that’s a nice dichotomy.
So as we look at this energy of polarization, let’s go ahead and really see our whole humans as one, as that which makes us human and that which makes us in a physical being on this body being more alike each other than different. That each of us is more like each other than we are different. Even when you see someone who has things that come out of their mouth that you couldn’t possibly align with, you can still love the God Spark within them, you can still love the angels around them, you can still love the light that is within each of us. And I truly believe that there’s light within each of us. There’s something beautiful about each of us. There we go.
And in this space of unity, see ourselves, see all of us collectively as growing and breathing and learning and expressing and experimenting and failing, starting over and failing, starting over and failing, starting over.
And on this day of spring, at Equinox, let us, let us, this is what I challenge for you: See yourself right now kind of as a farmer, planting your seeds for the fall, which is harvest. So look at any gifts that you can give to the planet right now. Maybe they’re social media posts of hope. Maybe you do a new drawing or take a photograph or love someone freshly or have a baby. I’m done with that, by the way. I have three grown kids and they’re so beautiful. So my challenge to you right now is to plant a seed of some kind that you can nurture through the end of 2025.
And I’m going to stand here in happiness. And so that I’m going to gift this to all of you who are listening, but you can come back to this energy of happiness here on this very call. You can listen to it more than once. And I’m going to layer it with the intention of bringing happiness and joy to anyone who listens. And I’m just going to express this happiness and be here in this happiness. And I’m going to stand in the energy of happiness and be that beacon of light. And I’m just going to do that. And you’re welcome to partake, like breathing in light energy. You can come back and listen and experience this joyful happiness that for me is a birthright. It’s something I came here to do, and it’s something that I honor. And when I fall off the happiness wagon, I get back on it.
I’m building a happiness intensive, and it’s going to run April, May, June. And it’s going to have several components. And I will share more about that at HappinessQuotations.com. You can also get my book, “Happiness Quotations: Gentle Reminders of Your Preciousness,” on amazon or anywhere online books are sold! This Wisdom was given to me when I asked questions, and it’s filled with gentle reminders to bring you back to your inherent joy.
One of my favorite passages is: “You are not meant to be miserable.” And this is what I’m going to end with. I’m not going to read the passage because it’s too deep. I want to let you know that you are not meant to be miserable. This is not what was intended when your body incarnated here on earth in this century or last century, crossing centuries as I’ve been. And my prayer for you is that you will know your light, that you will be guided by it.
One of the resources I’d like to share is a podcast called “Energy Clearing for Life.” I recorded it under a pen name of Claire Energia, and you are welcome to partake. It’s got hundreds of beautiful meditations designed to instill happiness and joyfulness.
So, have a wonderful International Day of Happiness and Spring Equinox! And may all of your dreams begin to manifest themselves in a most glorious way. Thank you.
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