My guest this week is a good friend who also happens to be one of the most influential marketers in the world, Raja Rajamannar, the CMO of Mastercard. Over his 10 years with the brand, he has transformed Mastercard into one of the top 10 most valuable brands in the world.
At the helm of the iconic priceless platform, he and his team are on the cutting edge of experiential multi sensory marketing for consumers and customers alike. He has extended the reach and impact of the brand by embracing AI and Web3 technologies, while also pioneering new standards in inclusive design.
Steve Olenski possesses a career journey that's been as dynamic as it has been impactful. From his early days as a creative director in the agency realm to assuming pivotal senior marketing roles on the brand side with esteemed companies like Oracle, he has consistently navigated diverse landscapes. As a seasoned journalist, Steve has contributed significantly to major publications, including Business Insider and Forbes, where he dedicated a decade to sharing his insights. He earned the moniker " The CMO Whisperer, " recognized for his unparalleled depth of experience and his remarkable ability to build trust with Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) of global giants, he earned the moniker "The CMO Whisperer." is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.