Episode 118: Wendy Wallbridge & Her Book, Spiraling
Upward: The 5 Co-Creative Powers for Women on the Rise
Wendy is the founder of SpiralUp and a pioneering advocate for women’s advancement and gender equity. An award-winning author and speaker, Wendy’s Spiral Up! model empowers women to thrive by embracing their unique values and feminine Wisdom. She has guided leaders at top companies like McAfee, VMware, Apple, HP, and Disney build high-performing, inclusive cultures where everyone can flourish. Wendy’s work, informed by her own journey overcoming life-threatening lupus, has been featured in Fortune and The New York Times. Her latest book, Spiraling Upward: The 5 Co-Creative Powers for Women on the Rise, offers a transformative roadmap for people seeking success in both their personal and professional lives.
The MAIN QUESTION underlying my conversation with
Wendy is, What’s in your heart or on the back burner that you need to express and put out there?
LinkedIn – Full Podcast Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/episode-118-wendy-wallbridge-her-book-spiraling-5-john-m–zrrce/?trackingId=UA4yTPB9Qo2Pdv%2Bb3shLcw%3D%3D
01:00 – Introduction & Bio
02:23 – Who are you today? Can you provide more information about your work?
07:44 – Where Wendy’s heart-centered focus that guides her work comes from.
17:03 – How did your path into your career look like, and
what did it look like up until now?
23:09 – Where Wendy’s interest in psychology came from.
40:00 – Where Wendy’s spirituality came from.
43:06 – How does the work you’re doing today reconcile to who you were as a child?
47:47 – What is your super power?
48:59 – What does leadership mean to you?
01:04:52 – Can you introduce us to the book we’re
01:20:26 – Can you provide a general overview of the book?
01:25:33 – What changed in you from having written this
01:28:24 – What are you up to these days? (A way for guests to share and market their projects and work.)
This series has become my Masterclass In Humanity.
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