“The only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves.”
Are you ready to embrace your encore years? In our latest episode, I sat down with Susan Williams, founder of Booming Encore, to explore how to find purpose and meaning in retirement. Discover ikigai, a Japanese philosophy that encourages you to discover what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and for what you can be paid.
Williams also shares insights from the book Retirement Heaven or Hell, which documents the journey of Booming Encore contributor Mike Drak. His experience highlights the importance of having a plan and the principles that can guide individuals back to a fulfilling life after retirement.
This comprehensive approach is not just about financial gain; it's about understanding activities' intrinsic value to our lives. Williams emphasizes that volunteer work, for instance, contributes to the community and enriches our lives. This perspective is crucial as many of us face the reality of 'retirement shock,' the feeling of loss, and lack of purpose after leaving the workforce.
Booming Encore
Retirement Heaven or Hell
Modern Elder Academy
Chip Connelly
Generation Bold Podcast with Dr. Rachel Wu—Learning to Learn
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