1. 5 Tips for Balancing Business and Life When Things Get Hectic Anne Bachrach 1:37

When things get busy, it can be VERY difficult to balance everything in life and work. Our modern culture greatly emphasizes the importance of putting time into your career, though this mindset can often impede upon our opportunity to spend quality time at home and for ourselves. This can lead to stress, unhappiness, inefficiency, and even resentment for your business, which can make you more likely to ‘close up shop’ due to a general negative attitude with the way your life is headed. As a successful professional, you have most likely learned that balancing life and work is essential, though Moving on to new levels of success might challenge you more in this area than you could imagine. 


Having said that, over the next 5 days we will explore 5 tips for balancing life and business when things get hectic that might help you to figure things out in this area. Life and work are BOTH important to your life… and contrary to what a lot of people believe, you CAN still run a cutting edge business while also enjoying a personal life and a balance that will not drive you crazy in the process!


So, tune in tomorrow for Tip #1.



I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.  


Aim for what you want each and every day!  

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coachâ„¢

Anne Bachrach Work Life Balance Podcaster and Author

Anne Bachrach is a renowned expert in accountability and has helped business owners for over 25 years to achieve their ideal business and life. She believes that personal accountability is the key to success, and having someone to answer to regularly about progress is a powerful motivator. Anne has authored many books, including "Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!", "Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact Our Lives", and "The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, No Excuses!". She has also co-authored the book "Roadmap to Success" with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard.

Anne has been podcasting since 2008, sharing her business success principles and resources on The Accountability Coach Podcast. She also started The Accountability Minute in 2018, which is a daily, single, simple, and doable idea to help individuals stay accountable and achieve their goals. With her fresh approach to business and emphasis on personal accountability, Anne Bachrach is a valuable resource for any business professional looking to accelerate their results and achieve their highest potential.