I’ve got a very special guest for you today. She’s retired after over 5 decades of teaching people how to better understand dogs, the magnificent creatures by our side.
But the lovely Lisbeth Borg de Waard from the Nordic Education Centre for Ethical Dog Trainers offered to make an introduction and she said Yes – Turid Rugaas.
“The worst thing modern dog owners do is micromanage their dogs,” she says.
“We underestimate our dogs. They’re a lot smarter than humans. They understand us better than we understand ourselves but many humans don’t even speak the basics of their language.”
This week’s Pawsome Human: Turid Rugaas – Your Dog Is Smarter Than You
In this enlightening episode, Turid shares invaluable insights about fostering natural and healthy Relationships with dogs.
We delve into cultural differences in dog ownership, emphasizing the importance of allowing dogs to live naturally and freely.
Turid challenges conventional dog training methods and stresses the significance of letting dogs develop their natural abilities and social skills.
Key takeaways include the benefits of giving dogs freedom, the importance of slow-paced walks, and debunking the myth of imposing control and commands on dogs. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on nurturing a dog’s true potential and Wisdom.
Grab a cuppa and join us (and yes, please like and subscribe to help the baby YouTube channel grow 🙏)
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:33 Discussing Dog Cultures Around the World
02:34 Challenges of Dog Ownership in the US
05:19 The Importance of Freedom for Dogs
09:10 Natural Dog Development and Intelligence
15:43 Raising Puppies and Adult Dogs
22:34 Encouraging Natural Dog Behaviors
24:28 Freedom at Home for Dogs
25:03 The Dangers of Fetching Games
25:55 Walking at Your Dog’s Pace
28:43 The Harm of Constant Eye Contact
30:51 Letting Dogs Be Dogs
35:06 Trusting Dogs Over Experts
40:33 Changing Your Mindset
41:22 Resources for Dog Owners
45:08 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
To find out more and connect with Turid:
Website: http://en.turid-rugaas.no/
Bio: Turid Rugaas is a legend in the dog world. Based in Norway, she’s been working with dogs for over 50 years and is best known for discovering and popularizing what she calls “calming signals” – he subtle ways dogs communicate to avoid conflict and keep the peace. If you’ve ever seen a dog yawn or turn their head and wondered why – they’re not just tired, they’re talking. And Turid helped us understand what they’re saying.
She’s the author of the international classic On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals, along with other go-to guides like My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do? and Barking: The Sound of a Language. Her work has helped dog lovers all over the world better understand and connect with their pups – without force, fear, or frustration.
Turid has taught trainers and pet parents in over two dozen countries, founded the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe, and even received the King’s Badge of Honour in Norway for her contributions to animal welfare.
She’s all about respectful, kind, and science-backed ways of working with dogs, and it was an honor to have her on the show.
Social media links:
Book: Get a copy of On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals https://a.co/d/4o8MEgG
As always, all about Soul Touched by Dogs at https://soultouchedbydogs.com