Time Out | The Crossroads of Achievement and Identity
- Time Out | The Crossroads of Achievement and Identity Alex Escobar and Aziz Yousuf 20:24
Welcome back to another episode of “Screw the Stock Market!”
For those of you who’ve been on this journey with us, today’s episode delves deep into the intricate dance between success and identity. How do we define success, and at what point does it become intertwined with our very sense of self? Journey with us as we explore these themes and more.
Vivid Vision: The idea of visualizing and genuinely experiencing the finish line of your goals. It’s about living the sensation of success even before you’ve reached it.
An Unexpected Success: Discussion on an article about an individual who experienced sudden success due to the pandemic. His business skyrocketed, leading to an early Retirement after selling to a larger company.
The Success Guilt: A deeper dive into the feelings of awkwardness and guilt some face after attaining significant success. This individual struggled with sharing his new status with others, often being vague about his accomplishments.
Power of Identity: The power of identity tied to work and how difficult it can be to shed that identity even when success has been achieved. Many can’t imagine leaving their job because of how intertwined their identity is with their role.
Cultural Views on Success: An interesting comparison of how success is viewed in different cultures. While American celebrities often showcase their hustle, the wealthy in countries like Italy embrace leisure more openly.
Success and identity are intertwined in complex ways, and cultural views play a significant role in shaping our perceptions. Whether it’s the grind culture in the US or the leisurely approach in Italy, the journey to success is diverse and multifaceted. Stay tuned for more insights on our next episode!
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