Ep 174 | Demonstrating Value Beyond the Sale
- Ep 174 | Demonstrating Value Beyond the Sale Harry Spaight 5:26
Are you just selling, or are you serving? In today's competitive market, it's not just about pitching—it's about the unique value you deliver.
🔍 Creating Value Through Knowledge:
* Leverage Free Platforms: Use channels like Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok to share valuable insights.
* Answer Top Questions: Identify common questions in your field and provide answers. This establishes you as an authority and builds trust.
💡 Be a Resource, Not Just a Seller: Transition from just selling to being a trusted advisor. This makes you the first contact when clients are ready to buy.
👀 Increase Visibility: Attract your audience by providing sought-after solutions, building credibility, and fostering deeper connections.
Serve first, and the selling will naturally follow. Shift from selling to serving!
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