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  1. THE LAW OF SACRIFICE Steve Worthy 42:09

Have you ever had to make a tough choice that required sacrificing something of value for the greater good of your team or organization? If so, then you won't want to miss the latest episode of the Retail Leadership with Steve Worthy podcast. 

In this episode, we explore The Law of Sacrifice, one of the most important and challenging laws of leadership discussed in John Maxwell's book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. 

Discover the principles of sacrifice and what it takes to be a leader who is willing to make tough choices for the success of your team and organization. 

Tune in now to learn how you can become a more effective leader in the retail industry.

Key Highlights

[01:53] What are you willing to give up?

[05:47] The value of giving up something.

[11:30] The importance of giving yourself away.

[15:23] Sacrificing your ego and time.

[19:58] Not perfect, but perfect enough.

[22:54] I can't stand these pretenses.

[26:47] Leaders with an impact focus on influencing others.

Notable Quotes

  • As a leader, you have to be willing to give up to be able to go up.
  • Leadership is about two things: For the reward or for the responsibility.
  • When you give it away, it’s gonna hurt.
  • Excuses are an enemy to your success.
  • In order to make an improvement in your life, you have to be willing to sacrifice something.
  • Leaders are not focused on accolades and ego, they’re focused on people.
  • Sacrificing Money in order to get a coach to move your existence as a leader forward is something that you really have to think about.


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Worthy Retail U

Steven Worthy Leadership and Podcast Coach

Steve Worthy is a podcasting veteran; he began in 2007 with By Husbands For Husbands, a podcast and business focused on helping entrepreneurial husbands succeed professionally and personally by balancing work and family.

Steve is a seasoned business leader with over 25 years of executive retail leadership experience. His career is focused on assisting podcasters and leaders to find their unique voice and understand how to fit within their culture to advance their podcasts and career.

Currently, as an entrepreneur, Steve teaches both novice and experienced podcasters how to live stream through his Podcasters LIVE Academy. Steve views this as the best medium for podcasters to grow and engage with their audience authentically.


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