1. S3EP12 - Fighting Cancer With Fitness Melissa LeEllen and Jesse Biondi 1:00:26

This week on Reimagine Success, Melissa and Jesse speak to Fitz Koehler, MSESS CEO, Author, Speaker, Race Announcer, Fitness Expert, about:

  1. Developing fitness programs for people all over the world
  2. Announcing marathon races across the US
  3. Not just surviving, but conquering cancer with a positive mindset

Links mentioned in the episode:

Fitzness.com – The best place to find all of her books

Your Healthy Cancer Comeback: Sick to Strong

Healthy Cancer Comeback Journal

My Noisy Cancer Comeback: Running at the Mouth, While Running for My Life: released in 2020






We are a husband and wife team who are passionate about changing the world. Melissa LeEllen and Jesse Biondi talk about how success looks different to everyone, and what it can look like in your life!