1. Embracing Authenticity with Tomer Alpert Brigitte Cutshall 34:03

In this episode we dive into the inspiring journey of Tomer Alpert, the founder of Felt App.

Discover how he embarked on a path to connect people authentically and make them feel special in a world that needs it more than ever.

Felt is the beauty of genuine handwritten moments.

Main Takeaways:

  1. Following Excitement Moment to Moment: Tomer emphasizes the power of following your excitement without attaching conditional outcomes. By embracing the present moment and engaging in what excites you, you can unlock a sense of freedom and authenticity.

  2. The Challenge of Being Yourself: In a culture that often pressures individuals to conform, Tomer shares his personal struggle with feeling unworthy and the ongoing challenge of being true to oneself. The key, he suggests, is recognizing that the journey is about being authentic and not conforming to external expectations.

  3. Unconditional Love and Freedom: Tomer reflects on the idea that feeling unworthy is unconditional, and through following one’s excitement without conditions, a sense of unconditional love and freedom can be experienced. This realization provides a shift in perspective, emphasizing the importance of embracing oneself without attachment to external validation.

Link to learn more – https://www.feltapp.com/