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April 22nd, 2024

As Large as Your Spirit – Joel David Bond

  1. As Large as Your Spirit - Joel David Bond Anthony Muiruri 36:01

Joel David Bond lives in Iraq. By choice. So when he suddenly finds himself quarantined indefinitely on a remote Greek island, friends and family romanticize it as a fortunate event. But even paradise has its troubles: away from his love and the life he knows, and with nothing but a carry-on bag, a weak internet signal, and a fair amount of pluck, Bond is forced to learn some hard, locked-down life lessons as an unintended refugee from both heart and home. Through the happy accident of exile, Bond’s path crosses with that of true refugees, and as their lives intersect, some universal truths are learned about loving your neighbor as yourself.

In his book “As Large as Your Spirit” Bond’s account captures the refugee experience — be it refugee of heart or home — and how our universal humanity can only be found when we listen to the still, small voice inside. As Large as Your Spirit is an extraordinary memoir of persistent hope, creative grit, uncanny encounters, and what it means to accept yourself and others.

For more, go to https://www.joeldavidbond.com/

Anthony Muiruri Motivational Speaker/Writer and Podcaster

Anthony is a motivational speaker who was born and grew up in Kenya.

He is an author of "Be Good For Good: Stories of goodness with lessons on life" and "Achieve Your Dream workbook: The seven ingredients for success". More books coming

He is the host of the Now Tell Us podcast.

He is the founder/owner of MeetAchieve.com a platform that connects people to achieve great dreams.

Currently based in Athens Greece, Anthony loves travelling, paints once in a while but his greatest passion is seeing individuals becoming the best version of themselves fulfilling their God-given purpose in life.

He will be glad to connect with you.

Remember to read his books and also invite him to come speak at your next event or simply mention his name where it would be of great benefit to all concerned.

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