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Time Management is the Key to Self-Care with Leslie Gaudet EP 266

  1. Time Management is the Key to Self-Care with Leslie Gaudet EP 266 Jaci Finneman 29:04

Welcome to Mindset and Motivation Monday on the No Problem Parenting Podcast, empowering you with resources and strategies to help you become the confident leader your kids crave you to be!

Today, my guest shares the importance of Self-Care and how prioritizing your well-being can enhance your quality of life at home and why it begins with Time Management.

Self-Care essentials encompass a range of practices that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. From carving out time for relaxation to engaging in activities that bring you joy, Self-Care is about intentionally investing in yourself to replenish your energy and Resilience.

Putting Self-Care on your calendar first isn’t selfish; it’s essential. By prioritizing your own well-being, you’re better equipped to show up as your best self for your children and family. When you’re rested, rejuvenated, and emotionally balanced, you can approach parenting with patience, presence, and compassion.


Today, we’re joined by Leslie Gaudet, a Self-Care Strategist dedicated to preventing burnout and empowering women to prioritize Self-Care. Leslie partners with individuals to integrate rejuvenating practices into their daily routines, fostering holistic well-being and Resilience.


Be sure to connect with Leslie Gaudet for expert guidance on embracing Self-Care and unlocking your full potential.

𝐆𝐞𝐭 Leslie’s 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 to learn how Self-Care can help you avoid burnout and lead with confidence:


Thank you for tuning in to the No Problem Parenting podcast.


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Resources to help you keep calm and stay out of the battle:

60 Ways to Respond to Your Kids without Losing Your Cool

Make it Right Technique PDF


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Check out our Books!

No-Problem Parenting; Raising Your Kiddos with More Confidence and Less Fear

No Problem Parenting; Resources and Stories that Create Confidence and Connection


Hugs and High Fives,

You Got This!




Jaclyn Finneman Founder of No Problem Parenting

Hey Parents! Your Kids Crave Your Leadership! You are the expert of your child, but if you don’t think you are, then we gotta lift you and connect you with the right people who can help. From toddler tantrums to teen eye rolls, attachment breaks, explosive meltdowns, and overwhelmed stressed-out parents, Jaci’s been rocking this parenting gig for over 30 years, and she’s here to share the real-deal tips and tricks that are going to help you become the confident leader your kids crave you to be!. Subscribe now, strengthen your family connection confidently, and bring the fun back to parenting. #Parenting #NoProblemParents #ParentingSuccess #NoProblemParenting #ConfidentParenting - You Got This! No-Problem!

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