Text Brian & Shawna (Fan Mail)
What if acknowledging your stress and anxiety could be the first step to mastering them? Today, we’re opening up about our personal battles with stress and anxiety, and how they’ve shaped our journeys. Shawna shares how her tendency to overcommit leads to stress, while I dive into my experiences with anxiety driven by a forward-thinking business mindset. We're joined by MetaCoach, a certified behavioral life coach, who provides expert insights into distinguishing and managing these often misunderstood states.
Throughout our conversation, we uncover the subtle but significant differences between stress and anxiety, and how low-level Depression can further complicate these feelings. MetaCoach helps us recognize early indicators of stress, like changes in behavior or mood, and underscores the importance of setting boundaries to avoid the pitfalls of people-pleasing. We discuss practical strategies for coping, from physical activities like stress balls and sunlight exposure to simple joys like singing hymns or jotting down tasks.
In a particularly insightful segment, we touch on the societal pressures men face in admitting stress and how the pandemic has reshaped our understanding of mental well-being. With stories of loved ones finding solace in small, meaningful activities, we illustrate the power of self-care. As we wrap up, we're enthusiastic about continuing this vital conversation, aiming to provide even more insights and support in a future episode. Join us as we navigate these complex emotions and learn to create moments of calm amidst life's chaos.
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