Conscious Choices: Transforming Ourselves and Our World
- Conscious Choices: Transforming Ourselves and Our World Richard Wilmore 52:43
Today: Conscious Choices: Transforming Ourselves and Our World with Dominika Staniewicz and Victoria Scholz
Imagine being able to reprogram your brain to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. It sounds like science fiction, but Dominika Staniewicz is making it a reality. She is one of the few Elite Neuro Encoding specialists in the world, and she’s here to share how this revolutionary approach can help you unlock your full potential. Her book, ‘The Magic of Dreaming Big’ is available now!
Victora Scholz knows the fashion industry inside and out. From the glamour of the runway to the harsh realities of its supply chain, she has seen it all and what she’s discovered might just change the way you think about the clothes you wear.
Both interviews are brought to you by PodMatch #podmatch