My dad was the one who got me into running and Yoga when I was 13—and at 61 I’m still going strong.
He exercised long before it was trendy, and it has served him well. He also set a great example for my siblings and me. We went on runs and bike rides together, and when I became a fitness instructor, he even attended the gym where I worked.
Over the years, my dad has faced significant health challenges, from quadruple coronary bypass surgery a decade ago to a more recent bypass in his leg due to peripheral artery disease (PAD). He struggles with walking because of PAD and a bad hip—doctors are still debating whether to operate—but he remains committed to staying active.
Every day, he stretches and spends 30 minutes on his stationary bike.
At 86, my dad still works—compiling dictionaries as a lexicographer and teaching English both in person and online. That, along with his dark sense of humor (which I inherited), keeps him going.
Today, he humored me by sharing part of his stretching routine so I could follow along.
This is where I get my grit and determination.
Thank you, Daddy, for instilling in me a strong work ethic and the discipline to keep moving!
Have you ever worked out with a parent?
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