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  1. Strategic Accountability - An Inside Job | LAYC 98 Isabel Alexander 19:34

In this insightful episode, Isabel Alexander continues her exploration of strategic planning, focusing on the vital element of accountability. She underscores the transformative power of accountability as an intrinsic, internalized commitment to achieving results. Drawing from her own experiences and Coaching insights, Isabel challenges the conventional notion of being held accountable by others, emphasizing that true accountability is a self-driven, results-oriented endeavor.

Isabel delves into the intricacies of assigning accountability within the strategic planning process, providing actionable tips for business owners. She encourages a shift in perspective, where goals are set realistically, and individuals take ownership with a genuine belief in their attainability. The episode serves as a valuable guide for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the often misunderstood terrain of accountability, stressing that the key to success lies in consistently measuring and adapting based on the outcomes of intentional actions.

As Isabel shares anecdotes from her Coaching journey, listeners gain practical insights into creating a strategic plan that goes beyond being a static document, evolving into a dynamic roadmap for continual growth. The importance of stakeholders in an entrepreneur’s life is explored, highlighting the interconnected relationships that can fuel success or, if neglected, pose challenges.

Join Isabel in this episode for a deep dive into the world of accountability within strategic planning. Learn how to cultivate a mindset of ownership, navigate the complexities of business relationships, and ensure that your strategic plan becomes a living, breathing guide for sustained success.

About the Host:


Isabel Alexander

Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst


Dynamic, a self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic, and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander cultivated an award-winning, $10+ million global chemical business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate and nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor, and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.



Lift As You Climb Movement (www.facebook.com/groups/liftasyouclimbmovement)


Chief Encore Officer, The Encore Catalyst (www.theencorecatalyst.com) – an accelerator for feminine wisdom, influence, and impact.


Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ (www.IsabelBanerjee.com)

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/isabelalexanderbanerjee/


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Isabel Alexander Transformation Catalyst

Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst

Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ (www.IsabelBanerjee.com)

Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander Banerjee cultivated an award winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.